Scientific and Medical Achievements That Marked 2017 as the Year of Science

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( — February 3, 2018) –Another very successful year of scientific and medical discoveries is behind us, during which the boundaries of human understanding of nature have shifted.

See the short summary of scientific achievements that occurred in 2017 that made the world become a better place:

– Researchers at Michigan State University have presented a chemical compound and a drug that is able to stop the spread of melanoma by as much as 90 percent.
– Japanese insurance company Fukoku Mutual Insurance has replaced 34 of its employees with computers.
– Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed a new material for which computer simulations say it will have density equal to only five percent of the density of steel, but will be 10 times harder than steel.
– Researchers at Kings College in London have managed to stimulate the recovery of stem cells in teeth, a method believed to help fight Alzheimer’s disease.
– Harvard researchers have created a soft robot that places itself around the heart of a patient and helps them to properly bite, which will greatly contribute to a better quality of life for people with heart defects.
– A 3D printer was made that can print functional human skin.
– Scientists Scripps Research Institute created the first semi-synthetic organism. The Institute claims that the discovery could lead to the creation of completely new forms of life. 

– Researchers at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom, have published the first manual for making a quantum computer.
– A new “blue phase liquid crystal” screen has been designed, which triples the screen sharpness while at the same time reducing energy consumption.
– A mysterious white dwarf pulsar was discovered, located 380 light-years from Earth, it is the first star of this kind to be recorded by human civilization.
– Researchers at the Japanese National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology have shown their latest micro robot capable of pollinating flowers.
– Seven new planets with potentially similar conditions to those on Earth have been discovered. They are located in the orbit of Trappist 1, the ultra-cold dwarf star, just slightly larger than Jupiter, which is 40 light-years from our planet.

– Organisms have been discovered that indicate that life on Earth was created immediately after the oceans were formed, 4,289 billion years ago.
– IBM announces IBM Q-initiative to create the first commercial quantum computer in the world.
– There was a discovery of Todusquemine, a medicine for which its creators claim is able to help regain some cardiac functions after a heart attack, which has been impossible until now.
– A new classification of dinosaurs has been published, according to which dinosaurs were created 200 million years ago.
– Dutch scientists have managed to create a remedy that returns strength to old mice, restores fur and even restores the function of vital organs by eliminating old cells in the body. Human trials are expected to begin shortly.
– Scientists at the New South Wales University claim they have found a procedure that can help restore DNA cells after exposure to radiation.

– At the University of California Berkeley, a device has been produced that can synthesize water from the air using the sun as a source of energy. Even in low air humidity conditions, the device is able to produce 2.8 liters of water in 12 hours.
– Planet LHS 1140b became the planet with the greatest opportunities for life from all the planets that have been found so far. The planet is covered with mountains and is in the orbit of the red dwarf star LHS 1140.
– Two new drugs – trazodone and dibenzoylmethane were found that could stop cell extinction in all neurodegenerative brain diseases.

– Harvard researchers say six bars of chocolate can reduce the risk of fatal heart problems by a quarter.
– Scientists of the Scripps Research Institute have announced that they have found a way to structurally modify vancomycin and thus make this antibiotic even more powerful.

– There was a discovery of a third gravity wave called GW170104 that additionally strengthened Einstein’s theory of relativity.
– NASA’s “Curiosity” Rover that landed on Mars has sent evidence of the existence of a large lake on the planet.
– The European Association of Cardiologists has announced that the human race now has a vaccine that reduces cholesterol in mice, which could be a solution for immunization against cardiovascular diseases.
– Astronomers report that on the periphery of the solar system there could be a tenth planet of our system.
– Japan announced that it plans to send a man to the moon by 2030

– Stanford University scientists have published evidence in support of the theory that the sixth cycle of massive extinction of life, which is most likely due to human activity, is already taking place on Earth.
– German scientists claim that the mass of insects has decreased in the last 25 years by as much as 75%, which could lead to a collapse of the existing ecosystem.
– Astronomers confirm with the nearby red star, the dwarf Ross 128 emits strange radio signals.
– The first intervention on human embryonic genes using CRISP technology was done in the United States. A gene that causes hereditary heart disease has been removed.

– Scientists gathering in the American Chemists Association have shown that android bacteria they have created can do more effective photosynthesis than plants.
– Astronomers gathered around the Hubble telescope claim to have the first evidence of the existence of water on planets circling around Trappist-1.

– Professor Andrea Morello introduces a new design of quantum computers called “Flip-flop qubits” which facilitates easier integration of quantum computers and ordinary electronic circuits.
– A nerve simulator was implanted in a patient who spent 15 years in a deep coma. The device gave results as the patient began showing the first signs of consciousness.

– A study by the Carnegie Institute of Technology has shown that wind farms in the North Atlantic could meet all of mankind’s needs for electricity during the winter months.
– The first 5G network for data transmission in 1Gbps mobile telephony has been put into operation.
– A new, improved version of CRISP technology for gene manipulation has been published.

– Scientists have confirmed that spending extended time in space leads to brain changes and that astronauts who stayed longer in the universe are exposed to major changes, primarily the structure of the brain.
– IBM developed a quantum computer with 50 qubits.
– The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of the first drug that has a digital time-tracking system.
– The California Institute of Technology has managed to stabilize the plasma ring for the first time in free atmospheric conditions outside a laboratory.

– A University Hospital in London said that for the first time a genetic error that caused Huntington’s disease was corrected using the experimental drug IONIS-HTTRx.
– US company Carbon Engineering presented a method of synthesizing gasoline and diesel fuel using carbon dioxide from the air and hydrogen from water. The method is called “Fuel from the air.”
– British doctors successfully used a new genetic therapy for the first time that helps patients with hemophilia A, a disease that leads to permanent bleeding.