Experts Reveal Why Sleep Is Vital for Human Health and Survival

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( — February 20, 2018) Orlando, FL — Food and shelter are two of the things that people require to live. However, there is another essential need that the body needs to satisfy to function and stay healthy.

Experts reveal why sleep is vital for human health and survival. It is not a secret that sleep is needed for various processes and functions inside and out of the body. It is essential for learning and memory and for people to function and live.

Unfortunately, many people are unable to get enough sleep. There are many factors that hinder a huge number of the population from getting a decent sleep. There are those who spend a lot of money on sleeping aids to no avail.

According to experts, the lack of adequate sleep can have negative effects on mood, judgment and one’s ability to learn and keep information. There have been many cases where lack of sleep led to serious accidents and injury.

Long-term chronic sleep deprivation may result in a host of health problems, which include conditions that are costly and difficult to manage. These include diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

In some studies, it was found that individuals who lack sleep had poor health and are at an increased risk of various conditions. There are sleeping medications that people resort to, but they may not be helpful to everyone.

There are sleeping aids that make one feel groggy the morning after. It is essential to resort to natural measures that can encourage the body to get more sleep. One way to do this may be as simple as utilizing certain B vitamins.

There are certain B vitamins that are believed to impact sleep. While these vitamins are important, there are still many who end up being deficient in this nutrient. This includes alcoholics, smokers and individuals who suffer from severe stress.

Health experts suggest that certain nutrients are particularly useful for good sleep, such as vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12. Vitamin B1 is also thiamine, and it is involved in the production of GABA. This has been found to improve sleep.

In experiments involving rats, it was found that thiamine may have effects on the actions of serotonin. Serotonin is one of the most important sleep-regulating neurotransmitters.

B vitamins have been linked with other potentially significant health benefits other than sleep. Purest Vantage’s B vitamin complex is a formula that consumers may want to consider using to experience the possible sleep-enhancing effects of thiamine.

Purest Vantage’s B vitamin complex is made carefully in an FDA-approved facility. It is free from unwanted ingredients and is widely known for its potency.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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