Everything You Need to Know About Influenza

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(Newswire.net — February 15, 2018) — Every winter season a lot of people get infected with influenza – an infectious disease. Although influenza is a type of flu it can be fatal at times. This viral infection targets the respiratory system and it is not to be taken lightly. Stomach flu viruses only cause diarrhea and vomiting but influenza can have other complications as well. This year, more than 200,000 patients have been diagnosed with influenza globally – it is important to know more in detail about this disease to stay safe.

Most commonly, influenza infects young children of under 5 years of age but adults are not an exception. Adults of over 65 years of age can also get infected by this virus. As mentioned earlier, it is an infectious disease that can be transferred due to close contact with an infected person. Some other people at a higher risk of developing influenza are:

  • Patients with chronic illnesses like heart diseases, diabetes, asthma, kidney problems.
  • Obese people with a BMI (body mass index) of 40 or more.
  • People residing in nursing homes and other care facilities.
  • Pregnant women.

There are different symptoms of influenza that you should watch out for. These symptoms occur mainly in the winter season but if you have a weak immune system, you can get infected during other seasons as well. Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Fever above 100OF or 37.3OC.
  • Muscle pain and severe headache.
  • A cough and sore throat.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • A runny nose and constant sneezing.
  • Fatigue.

Please note that these symptoms are the most common ones and may vary from person to person. Furthermore, in order to be diagnosed with influenza, the symptoms should last for more than 2 days without any improvement. The doctors conduct a very commonly used test known as rapid influenza diagnostics test to diagnose the virus. It is also known as a quick test that gives results within 30 minutes.


This year, influenza has hit with full might and the increasing number of deaths have rung bells for the authorities to look for solutions to combat this problematic disease. As soon as you start observing the symptoms of influenza in you or your loved one, it is vital to consult a doctor as early as possible. The doctor will conduct a few tests to ascertain if the condition is influenza or regular flu. In case of influenza, the treatment will be initiated.

The best way to treat this virus is by getting annual vaccinations. However, if vaccinations are missed, you can still get medications and the risk of serious effects can be minimized. Influenza these days is very much active and it is vital to seek medical care as soon as possible.

On Hayaat.pk, you can find a doctor and locate your nearest emergency centers remotely to stay safe from influenza and other serious medical conditions. You can easily book an appointment with a doctor of your choice at this platform that is changing the healthcare sector to a great extent in the country.