Dr. Michael Sinel on Research Validating Theramine

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(Newswire.net — February 20, 2018) Santa Monica, CA — Millions of Americans struggle with some form of chronic pain. Back and joint pain are some of the leading causes of loss in workplace productivity, and the medical community has worked diligently to develop safe treatment plans. Traditionally, chronic pain has been treated with a combination of powerful opioid-based pain relievers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a class of medications better known as NSAIDs including Naproxen and Ibuprofen. Dr. Michael Sinel, MD, a noted back pain specialist and educator, knows that safer alternatives are being developed by scientists. One of the emerging tools to combat chronic pain is the medical food called Theramine™. This previously prescription-only encapsulated medical food has undergone clinical trials. “In each trial, Theramine has demonstrated its effectiveness at helping to control chronic pain and its symptoms,” says Dr. Sinel, who has treated thousands of patients during his career. “Theramine is both safer and as effective as potentially dangerous NSAIDs, which have been implicated in many patient health complications,” as a first line safe option for chronic back pain. To learn more about Dr. Sinel’s thoughts on Theramine, visit https://newswire.net/newsroom/pr/00099494-michae-sinel-theramine-treatment-chronic-pain.html.

Dr. Sinel recently became a medical adviser to a company called Safe Meds, LLC, in an effort to share information on Theramine™ and the research behind its development and clinical trials. Double-blind controlled trials demonstrated favorable patient outcomes when compared to Naproxen and Ibuprofen or in combination with other therapeutic treatment plans. In one study, Theramine was shown to be effective as an adjunctive therapy when combined with a low-dose anti-inflammatory medication. Theramine capsules contain a proprietary combination of botanical and essential amino acids, including GABA and L-histidine, that work to reduce the inflammation associated with chronic pain conditions. This encapsulated medical food showed pain reduction levels in medical trials, outpacing even the leading NSAID. It is also far safer than powerful opioid-based painkillers. A benefit of naturally-derived Theramine is that it is non-addictive, unlike opioid pain relieving medications, which have a high potential for abuse and are a cause for concern by the medical community. The “opioid epidemic” and deaths associated with this class of painkiller have spurred research into safer alternatives, including Theramine. Pain management specialists like Dr. Sinel have implemented these alternative medical solutions to benefit their patients, helping to control pain effectively while reducing the chance of complications. For more information on the research behind Theramine, visit https://safemedsinc.com/pages/research

Dr. Michael Sinel, MD, has been known in the medical community for many years as a dedicated educator and author and is in private practice in Santa Monica, California at the CliniCare Spinal Rehab Medical Group, and is instrumental at instructing UCLA medical students as a physician. Visit his company’s website at https://safemedsinc.com/ to learn more about his work and about Theramine. 

About Michael Sinel, MD

As a medical care provider and educator, Dr. Michael Sinel, MD, has shared his expertise with thousands of people. He is an acclaimed book author and lecturer on the causes and treatments of chronic back pain. Dr. Sinel is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the UCLA School of Medicine, and operates a private spinal rehab clinic in Santa Monica, California. When not helping patients or instructing the next generation of medical professionals, Dr. Sinel can be found contributing to numerous charitable organizations.

Michael Sinel, MD

2232 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 101
Santa Monica, CA 90404
United States
(310) 393-2225