Research Reveals the Potential Mind-Altering Effects of Fish Oil

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( — March 2, 2018) Orlando, FL — Fish oil is one of the natural supplements that is widely believed to have therapeutic potentials. It has been used by many people in hopes to fight diseases such as those that impact heart health. Scientists continue to investigate the possible effects of this natural ingredient, especially on brain health.

Research revealed the potential mind-altering effects of fish oil. This natural ingredient contains omega-3 fats, which are widely believed to be essential for brain and body functions. It may not only be good for the heart and body, but also for the brain.

According to research, omega-3s have the potential to fight stress, alcohol abuse and serious mood disorders.

The Indiana University School of Medicine researchers conducted a multi-year study, which focused on the molecular and behavioral benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. The subjects were mice suffering from bipolar disorder.

Alexander B. Niculescu, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and the study’s lead author, believes that the fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) has the potential ability to normalize the behavior of the treated mice.

The study was reported in the Translational Psychiatry Journal. It also revealed that the characteristic bipolar symptoms of the subject mice such as depression responded nicely to fish oil’s DHA. The positive response was obtained when the mice were subjected to stress.

The researchers also revealed that DHA normalized the behavior of the subject mice with bipolar disorder and kept them from being depressed. When the researchers exposed the mice to stress, they did not turn manic.

What makes it even more interesting is that the genes in the mice were not just modulated but also normalized by DHA. These genes are usually the targets of psychiatric pharmaceutical drugs. Unexpectedly, the mice also demonstrated a reduction in their desire for alcohol.

Dr. Niculescu also revealed that bipolar mice are similar to individuals with the condition. One of the similarities is that they often have cravings for alcohol. The good news is that DH has helped curtail the alcohol-abusive behavior and made the mice drink much less.

Fish oil through its omega-3 fats may offer positive mind-altering effects. Fish oil can be consumed through eating fish such as salmon, tuna, and halibut. It can also be obtained through supplementation.

One of the best benefits of using fish oil supplements is that consumers may obtain higher concentrations of omega-3 fats. Not only that, they would also be able to reduce their exposure to environmental pollutants such as heavy metals and toxins.

The most reputable herbal supplement companies use a molecular distillation process that eliminates or reduces the amount of environmental pollutants from fish oil.


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