(Newswire.net — March 5, 2018) Orlando, FL — Today, it has become quite easy for many consumers to stay energetic all day. The use of energy drinks is widespread among teens and adults, and instead of offering benefits, it appears these beverages do more harm than good.
According to some researchers, consumption of energy drinks may potentially cause some serious side effects. This alarmingly includes hyperactivity and high blood pressure.
Pediatric Emergency Care published a new report that involved a questionnaire and 612 people who responded. It was found that 33 percent said they drank energy drinks frequently.
Among the teen subjects, 76 percent reported having a headache in the last six months. The researchers further revealed that 47 percent said they experienced anger, while 22 percent had difficulty breathing.
While more studies are still underway, it seems noticeable that young consumers of these drinks tend to report more symptoms than non-drinkers.
According to Dr. Vikas Khullar, University of Florida in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, moderation is the key.
The good news is that there are safer and even therapeutic ways to increase energy levels, and this includes the use of digestive enzymes. These proteins work by breaking down food, and allowing the body to efficiently absorb nutrients.
It is important to understand that they aid in bringing energizing nutrients from food into the body. While digestive enzymes are naturally produced by the body, they can also be obtained through supplementation.
According to some experts, digestion fails when there is a lack of these enzymes in the body. Lack of these enzymes may be due to factors like bloating or chronic malnutrition.
These enzymes influence efficient nutrient extraction. They aid in the body’s ability to extract as many nutrients as possible from the food ingested by the body.
They also influence conservation of energy. Through these proteins, the body needs not expend precious energy to produce enzymes for digestion.
It is worth remembering that the use of these enzymes is linked with an array of other benefits as well.
This is why it is wise to increase their levels inside the body. Individuals who want to improve their energy levels are advised to consider what these enzymes can offer. Energy drinks may potentially cause side effects. It is imperative for consumers to resort to natural ways of increasing energy.
Divine Bounty Digestive Enzymes is one of the formulas that is believed to be superior over other brands. It is highly potent and pure, and is crafted carefully in an FDA-inspected facility in the United States.
About Divine Bounty
Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty have carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at http://www.DivineBounty.com.
Divine Bounty
12001 Research ParkwaySuite 236 A
Orlando, FL 32826
United States
(407) 545 7738