Three New SIBO Tests Are Now Available on Lab Tests Plus

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( — March 5, 2018) — Lab Tests Plus has added 3 new SIBO tests to its offerings. The National Center for Biotechnology Information says small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is defined as the presence of excessive bacteria in the small intestine. SIBO is commonly thought of as the cause of chronic diarrhea and malabsorption. SIBO patients may also suffer from weight loss, nutritional deficiencies and osteoporosis. It was originally thought that SIBO affects only a limited number of patients, such as those with abnormalities of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract or those with a motility disorder. However, SIBO may be more prevalent than previously thought.

In testing for SIBO, two types of tests are used; lactulose and glucose. Diabetics are urged to utilize the lactose test, while patients with lactose or lactulose digestive issues should use the glucose test. With lactulose, there is greater ability to diagnose overgrowth in the distal end of the small intestine, which is thought to be most common are for bacteria to congregate. With the glucose challenge, absorption occurs faster so the test more accurately diagnoses proximal overgrowth, which is considered more specific to the bacteria of concern. While clinicians and researchers alike debate which method is superior for SIBO testing, Lab Tests Plus offers a combo test which supplies the patient with both test.

The Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) breath tests provide valuable information in the diagnosis of small bowel overgrowth of bacteria. SIBO is not only a condition in which bacteria from the large intestine have migrated to the small intestine, but can also occur when bacteria native to the small intestine have simply overgrown. Using a breath test to diagnose SIBO is simple, non-invasive and inexpensive, and specifies which gases are present, in addition to the location and severity of bacterial overgrowth.

Dr. Kurt Woeller states, “I’m continually amazed by the effectiveness of these tests. Patients who have had months or years of pain and suffering are helped drastically by these simple and easy to use tests. In a matter of days after receiving a treatment plan, patients have had the answers to their health questions.”

The response from patients utilizing any of the three SIBO tests has been outstanding. Patient Marie Adair states, “My stomach was a mess. It hurt all the time and I was so embarrassed by my excessive flatulence. My primary doctor simply wrote it off under the umbrella of ‘IBS’ and moved on. A friend suggested Lab Tests Plus to see if there was anything I could test for. The test for SIBO was incredibly easy and now I have test results and a treatment plan to help me, without ever having to go see a doctor!”

All three SIBO tests include lab results, a doctor’s review of the test results, and a doctor’s recommendation for a course of action based on personalized results.

Labs Tests Plus was created in order for patients to have access to a variety of tests not typically utilized by mainstream clinicians. This website offers doctor reviewed, specialty lab tests sent directly to the patient, without a doctor’s visit. For more information or to order any of the tests on Lab Tests Plus, please go to