5 Things You Should Do if You Lose Your Child’s Social Security Card

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(Newswire.net — March 7, 2018) — You may recently have realized that you lost your child’s social security card and all the effort you’ve put in to try and trace it has become futile.

A social security card is so important, you can’t afford not to have it in your possession, it would be a grave mistake to sit back and presume that all is well when you’ve lost the card when in real sense you need to act immediately.

So what do you do when you realize you’ve lost your child’s social security card? Here’s a breakdown of 5 important things you should do:

1.    Start By Visiting A Social Security Administration Office

First off, you’ll need to visit the regional Social Security Administration office that’s within your locality that’s closer and easier for you to access. Once you get there, you’ll proceed to the next step.

2.    Describe To The Attending Staff The Loss Of The Card

The next step will be to describe in detail to the person attending to you about your child’s missing social security card. Be very specific as to whether you lost it or it was stolen.

Bear in mind that process of replacing your child’s social security card will differ depending on the circumstances in which you lost it. It’s important to be clear on this.

3.    Present All Necessary Documents For Identification

Once you’ve reported the loss of the card, you will be required to present some documents to validate that you are the legal parent or guardian of the child whose social security card you’ve reported as lost.

These documents include your US birth certificate or Naturalization certificate as well as those of your child to prove your citizenship, your national Identity Card or US Passport to prove your identity. If your child lacks a US passport, you can use the child’s school ID. You may also present the child’s Decree of Adoption document if the child is adopted.

Note that you need to present the original documents and not the photocopies.

4.    Fill In The Forms Given To You

Once your documents have been checked and your identity and relationship to the child have been verified, you will be issued with forms with blank spaces which you will be required to fill in to initiate the process of your child’s social security card replacement.

Ensure that the information you provide in the documents is both true and accurate. Any inconsistencies in details may delay the process. Ensure that you also don’t leave any blanks. If you get stuck anywhere, ask for assistance from the attending staff.

5.    Submit The Filled Forms And Wait For Card Processing

Once you’ve accurately filled the forms given to you, submit them right there at the Social Security Administration office for processing. Ensure that you do not leave the office with the documents. Once this is done, you will have to wait a few days for the social security card to be processed after which you will now be able to collect it.


If you’re in the US and have lost your child’s social security card and need to begin the process of replacing it, click on this link to get started. application-filing-service.com/socialsecuritycard/replacement-social-security-card-child/