The Route to Fighting Obesity in Children

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( — March 21, 2018) — There is a widespread misconception which dictates that childhood obesity is not a major risk for children, at least not until kindergarten. The truth, however, is that a baby born big is not necessarily a healthy baby. More often than not, children find it difficult to grow out of this phase. Unfortunately, these children end up growing with the burden of obesity. The general route to keeping kids healthy from the time they are born up until they are five consists of following some basic directions – adequate amounts of sleep, making sure the child gets enough play time and proper eating habits. Here are some additional tips on how to fight and defeat obesity in children.

Movement matters a lot  

Any good parent guide will tell you to involve children in physically energetic play time.  If the child is in a childcare facility, no less than 15 minutes for each hour spent there should be involved in physical activity. So, for example, if a child spends 3 hours at a childcare facility, 45 minutes should be the least amount of time he or she spends engaging in physical activity. This list of physical activities includes –

  • Moving around freely in a safe space under appropriate supervision.
  • Joining with other children of the same age in their activities.
  • A suitable amount of time spent playing outdoors – in a park for example.
  • The childcare specialists should also dodge using constraints to play time as a disciplinary action. Often such actions prove to be turning points in children’s attitudes towards play time.

Limited media exposure

The millennial group is born into a cradle of media exposure. Exposure to media outlets such as tabs and mobile phones are one of the leading ways in which the modern child spends his or her time. As a parent, you must limit television watching and use of similar digital technologies to less than 2-3 hours on a daily basis for children under the age of 5.

Childcare services and nurseries could further this target by limiting screen time to less than half an hour in half-day plans and one hour in full day curricula. They should also take the counsel of parents for limiting screen time exposure.

Obesity and media exposure are closely related. The more a child is dependent on exposure to media as a way of spending his time, the more this habit increases leading to unpleasant scenarios in the future.

Getting medical advice

Healthcare professionals measure babies’ weight and height and the body-mass guide of undeveloped children as a normal practice at each physician visit. They can identify children who are facing the risk of obesity and converse with parents regarding their kids’ dimensions and the dangers related to extra weight. So, parents must be proactive and seek medical advice as and when required.

Most parents are not even aware of obesity in children. Knowing that there is a problem from early on and pro-actively pursuing this problem is the best way to fight off these unnecessary evil children face.