Acidity Can Be Observed Through Telltale Signs

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( — March 31, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — It’s easy to tell when one’s body is tired, hungry or sore but not many people know how to identify when there’s too much acidity in their body. There are a number of symptoms to be very mindful of as some of them are so common that they are often overlooked. By the way, this may be a good time to clarify what exactly is meant by too much acid in the body. 

“The acidity of your blood is measured by determining its pH and a lower pH means that your blood is more acidic, while a higher pH means that your blood is more basic,” explains “The pH of your blood should be around 7.4. According to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), acidosis is characterized by a pH of 7.35 or lower. Alkalosis is characterized by a pH level of 7.45 or higher. While seemingly slight, these numerical differences can be serious. Acidosis can lead to numerous health issues, and it can even be life-threatening.” 

Eating alkaline forming food sand drinking alkaline water exclusively is the best way to avoid acidosis and maintain the body’s ideal pH balance. While ensuring an alkaline rich diet falls under the standard dietary rules for diabetics it’s a lesser known guideline, at least less followed, for the average person but it’s worth committing to healthier eating habits. Here are some of the discomforts associated with acidosis as listed by

Common symptoms of respiratory acidosis:

·       fatigue or drowsiness

·       becoming tired easily

·       confusion

·       shortness of breath

·       sleepiness

·       headache

Common symptoms of metabolic acidosis:

·       rapid and shallow breathing

·       confusion

·       fatigue

·       headache

·       sleepiness

·       lack of appetite

·       jaundice

·       increased heart rate

·       breath that smells fruity, which is a sign of diabetic acidosis (ketoacidosis)

“In fact, acidity can cause the death of some cells, and in the worst cases, it can stimulate them into becoming cancerous,” says “For this reason, improving your daily eating habits and drinking at least a glass of alkaline water a day is essential. It promotes the expulsion of acidic waste products and balances the pH of the blood to properly oxygenate cells. Drinking it regularly raises your body’s hydration levels, reduces fatigue and prevents the symptoms of premature aging, both internally and externally.” 

The pH Booster Drops by HealthyWiser™ makes it so easy to stay alkaline as it can be conveniently added to pretty much any beverage to alter its pH level. Coffee and juice have just become pH healthier thanks to the pH Booster Drops so say good bye to premature crow’s feet around the eyes and start promoting a more youthful lifestyle.

HealthyWiser LLC

109 E 17TH ST STE 420
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
United States