(Newswire.net — April 5, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — Astrologically, the zodiac sign of Cancer can be connected to a number of positive qualities with regards to fortune, favor and personality traits. However, there’s really no upside to developing the disease of cancer. The only silver lining is that scientists have now agreed that an alkaline internal pH helps stifle the spread of cancer when induced alongside tradition treatments and has been successfully employed throughout Japan for many decades now.
“Modern medicine treats these malignant cells as if they were bacteria and viruses. It uses chemotherapy, radiation and surgery to treat cancer,” says Keiichi Morishita, Director of the Ochanomizu Clinic in Japan and the Head of the International Natural Medicine Association. “Yet none of these treatments will help very much if the environment of the body continues to remain acidic. Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer. In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.”
It has been a medical revelation to learn that an acidic surrounding promotes the spread of cancer while an alkaline atmosphere can stunt the disease’s progress. This concept doesn’t only apply to water although a liquid solution is always the best medium for transferring minerals, nutrients and electrolytes as that found in alkaline water. Nonetheless, it helps to attack cancer from all fronts so in addition to drinking alkaline water one ought to support such efforts by consuming mostly alkaline forming foods.
“Some foods have an acidifying effect (usually those containing sugars, trans fats, dairy, preservatives, sweeteners, chemicals etc), whereas others have an alkaline effect,” notes Avocado Ninja, an alkalinity advocate entity based in the United Kingdom. “Conveniently for us, it just so happens that the foods that contain alkaline minerals (and leave an alkaline effect) are all the foods we already know are good for us: low sugar foods, fresh alkaline vegetables, nuts, seeds, salads, sea vegetables, water rich foods etc. And for the foods that contain minerals that have an acidic effect: sweets, alcohol, trans fats, meats, dairy, pizza, cola, biscuits, chips, white breads and pastas, refined foods, processed foods etc.”
Similar to diabetics who are specifically prescribed dietary limitations, it’s worth committing to a healthy alkaline rich diet plan to ensure the body’s ideal pH state is maintained and cancer cells are arrested in their tracks. Complementing one’s diet with the HealthyWiser™ AlkaBoost Alkaline Dietary Supplement is a great way to support brain health, increase energy levels and combat cancer cells all in one go.
“Your health depends on the balance of an alkaline environment, created by eating foods such as tomatoes, avocados and green vegetables… and regulating your body’s acid/alkaline chemistry through simple changes in diet can result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength, a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing,” details Robert O. Young, Scientist and Author of The pH Miracle.
About HealthyWiser LLC
HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium dietary supplement brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about the AlkaBoost™ Alkaline Dietary Supplement on Amazon.
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