Omega-3s Could Be a Potential Natural Alternative for Fibroid Tumors

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( — May 25, 2018) Orlando, FL — There are many medical conditions today that cause worry and anxiety to many people. There are ailments that are gender-specific, such as fibroid tumors that affect women. There are quite a number of medications available for this condition, but the use of natural alternatives has also been increasing.

Omega-3s may be a potential natural alternative for fibroid tumors. Fibroid tumors are made up of muscle cells that form a fibrous knot within the uterus. Uterine fibroids are typically categorized according to their location.

When they are located under the uterine lining, they are called submucosal fibroids. They are called intramural fibroids when they are in between the uterine wall muscles. Subserosal fibroids affect the uterine wall to the pelvic cavity.

There are risk factors of fibroids such as age. Women who are between ages 30 and 40 are believed to be more at risk of the condition. African-American women are also believed to be more at risk. While this condition often does not cause symptoms, when it does, it may cause heavy menstrual periods.

According to Aydin Arici, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the condition may also cause abdominal pain and increased urination. Arici is also a Director of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the Yale University School of Medicine.

The size of fibroids may vary from one person to another. They can be so tiny that the use of microscope is necessary to detect them. They can also be huge enough to conquer the entire abdominal area. Estrogen is associated with the development of the tumors.

After menopause, the body stops producing estrogen and this prevents women’s bodies from developing tumors. Submucous fibroids cause menstrual problems while intramural fibroids hardly cause any symptoms.

It is believed that fish oil, which has omega-3 fats, contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These ingredients may have the potential to help shrink fibroid tumors. Fish oil may also reduce the severity of symptoms during menstruations as well as aid in pain reduction or relief.

The potentially therapeutic effects of fish oil are believed to come from its omega-3 fats. Omega-3s can be found in fish such as tuna, salmon, or mackerel. They may also be efficiently consumed through supplementation.

Women who want to increase their protection against fibroid tumors may want to consider the use of fish oil supplements.


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