Mother’s Breast Is Best Even as Infants Grow

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( — June 4, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — Physicians agree that for the first six months of a baby’s life, breast milk is the best thing to be had, this is notwithstanding the possibility of formula substitutes for various reasons as needs be. In due time, focus shifts to gradually introducing a variety of solid foods which doesn’t mean nursing should be stopped prematurely. Upon reaching six months of age, an infant needs more than breast milk alone to meet its evolving dietary requirements to support healthy growth. 

“According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), your 1-year-old can get enough calcium and vitamin D from 8 to 12 ounces (1 to 1 1/2 cups) of cow’s milk – or the equivalent amount of other milk products, like yogurt or cheese,” reports “By age 2, your child should get 16 ounces, or 2 cups, of cow’s milk or other milk products each day.” 

Mashes of butternut squash or potato are among the list of well-advised introductory meals, alongside fruit juices and crackers to nibble on as teething pains generally begin to loom. By the time a baby is one year old, they’re typically well able to digest cow’s milk as they grow into their new toddler diet. 

It’s significant to note that the AAP also advises that breastfeeding continues beyond the first year once it’s comfortable for both mother and child to continue doing so. After all, breast is still best but at a certain point even the best does not cover all the nutritional bases as your baby gets older. 

“Solids during the first year are only meant to complement breast milk, not take precedence over it or replace any breastfeedings,” states “It is more of a way to add textures to the baby’s diet, to allow the baby new experiences, and to help her develop hand/eye coordination through finger feeding. Your baby should still be allowed to nurse on demand, as your milk should be her primary source of nutrition until closer to the end of the first year.” 

So it’s clearly obvious that a nursing mom’s diet is still something to be vigilant about. Eating healthy and limiting alcohol consumption are a few things to be cognizant of at all times. As the Mother’s Day celebrations continue throughout the month with showers of love, kisses and gifts will be flowing her way, it’s a smart time to stock up on alcohol detecting strips for breast milk much like the HealthyWiser™ PureMilk™ Testing Strips. Whether a bottle of bubbly is popped or just a glass of champagne is sipped as nursing mothers enjoy their day, they can do it responsibly by quickly testing a sample of milk before nursing after a drink. 

A breast milk test kit such as the HealthyWiser™ PureMilk™ Alcohol Detecting Strips is the only sure way of getting real-time results when it’s safe to resume feedings. Just from a small sample of breast milk, the PureMilk™ analysis can tell with 99% accuracy the alcohol content or lack thereof.

About HealthyWiser LLC

HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium dietary supplement brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about PureMilk™ Alcohol Detecting Strips for Breastfeeding on Amazon.

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