(Newswire.net — June 25, 2018) Los Angeles, CA — Author, writer, and keynote speaker Gabriella van Rij launches the Dare To Be Kind Movement. Kindness expert and the #DaretobeKind movement founder Ms van Rij provides the groundwork for lasting change in the global movement’s website.
A tragic start to 2018 demonstrated devastating stats of 71 dead or injured in school shootings according to the Education Week’s latest figures. The National School Walkout on March 14 and the March for Our Lives on March 24 both further showcased a growing need for a radical solution based on kindness instead of fear.
Many people believe legislation, and gun control measures fall short in addressing the emotions behind these tragic events. Building safer communities is an issue that is now at the forefront of the news and dining room tables across the country. The groundswell of awareness is not only made up of activists and humanitarians, however, but also includes those who feel isolated, marginalized or a disconnect between the growing problem and ineffective solutions being presented.
The slogan of the worldwide movement is “The vision is a SAFER world. The method is KINDNESS. The vehicle is YOU!” and it is one that strikes at the center of the present emotional climate, not only of U.S. citizens but many people around the world.
The #DaretobeKind platform is one where all can feel accepted. This unique platform invites people from around the world to find a safe space where they can un-silence themselves by sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly part of their stories. Gabriella van Rij (pronounced as ray) firmly believes that sharing stories will not only bring awareness but also help people heal themselves and help others as well. At the core of this message is:
(a) No one is alone.
(b) Everyone is capable.
(c) Each one of us is the solution.
The mission of “#DaretobeKind – a Global Movement” is to reveal how Kindness can be used in practical ways to build safer communities and healthier relationships. The movement focuses on one person’s purposeful act of Kindness within a two-mile radius and how doing so can launch positive and exceptional outcomes within governments, industries, justice systems, and throughout every sector of society.
By providing a platform for sharing Kindness ideas and inspirational readers’ stories, the aim is to shift everyone into becoming Kindness Instigators. Their mission statement further states, “Every inspiring tale that showcases the good in humanity sparks further ideas of how we each can #BEthedifference in our corner of the globe. Now is the time for Kindness to grow more Kindness. The vision is a SAFER world. The method is KINDNESS. The vehicle is YOU!”
Have a story to share? Do you have the same vision of a safer world? Speak up.
You can visit the #DaretobeKind movement website or Facebook page and read more stories or email Gabriella van Rij to talk about the movement. Help millions of passive bystanders become proactive witnesses of changing the world through Kindness!
Dare To Be Kind
Los Angeles, CA 90210United States
+1 (415) 656-6656