LeanSix LLC Announces Courses on Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Power Point

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(Newswire.net — August 2, 2018) — LeanSix LLC announces the release of affordable, cost effective Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma downloadable training modules. Lean Six Sigma is the cornerstone of optimized business performance by reducing costly wastes, improving quality and growing market share synergistically achieving up to 10X the benefits of using just one of the two individual methodologies.

Mr. Robert Kaufman, founder of LeanSix LLC, explained, “the primary business objectives are to increase profits, product quality/service and market share. Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma and Hoshin Planning are the three most powerful methodologies to help achieve these objectives.”

Lean Manufacturing is based on the Toyota Production System (TPS) which was developed following WWII to help leverage limited resources and allow Toyota to compete with the Detroit Big, ultimately becoming most valuable automotive company in the world.

LeanSix LLC Lean Manufacturing training is comprised of 344 slides in 12 modules.

LSS-1 | Lean Principles:

Introduction to using Lean to reduce the 7 wastes, increasing productivity and reducing costs and time to market.

LSS-2 | Five S:

A primary five step conditioning discipline for kaizen that establish excellent housekeeping, organization, standardization and self-discipline.

LSS-3 | Value Stream Mapping:

VSM visually describes the current state flow of materials & information, with key data, from order receipt to delivery, and then maps out an optimal future state.

LSS-4 | Kaizen:

The continuous improvement methodology employing a structured, team-based problem solving approach.

LSS-5 | Kanban:

A visual signal, typically a re-order card or other method of triggering the pull system, based on actual usage of material.

LSS-6 | Cellular Manufacturing:

Proper work cell design and operation dramatically improves quality and permits better response to changing customer demand.

LSS-7 | One-Piece Flow:

The continuous movement of products through the manufacturing process one unit at a time, eliminating batch processing.

LSS-8 | Quick Changeover:

Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) analyses and dramatically reduces downtime required for machine or assembly setups.

LSS-9 | Error Proofing:

Simple error proofing techniques and devices to prevent incorrect processing, ensuring quality.

LSS-10 | Standardized Work:

By documenting the current best practice, standardized work forms the baseline for kaizen or continuous improvement.

LSS-11 | Total Preventative Maintenance:

TPM emphasizes proactive maintenance to maximize the operational efficiency of equipment by placing emphasis on empowering operators to help maintain their equipment.

LSS-12 | Design For Manufacturing and Assembly:

DFMA is used as the basis for concurrent engineering studies to provide guidance to the design team in simplifying the product structure to reduce manufacturing and assembly costs.

For more information see the website at: http://www.leansixllc.com/lean_manufacturing.html

Six Sigma was conceptualized at Motorola in 1981 to compete with then superior Japanese quality and is defined as 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO).

LeanSix LLC Six Sigma training is comprised of 197 slides in 5 modules.


Six Sigma design projects follow one of two methodologies:

-DMAIC: Used for improving an existing product/ process.

-DMADV: Used for creating new product/process or existing ones which require extensive improvement.

Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS) utilizes the Eight Disciplines (8Ds) Problem Solving methodology to resolve problems.

LSS-14 | Statistical Process Control:

Statistical process control (SPC) is a method of quality control which uses statistical methods to monitor and control a process to ensure that it meets customer requirements.

LSS-15 | Quality Function Deployment (House of Quality):

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a method to help transform customer needs into engineering characteristics and appropriate test methods for a product or service.

LSS-16 | Metrics, KPI’s & Digital Dashboards:

Metric: A quantifiable measure that is used to track and assess the status of a specific business process.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Digital Dashboards graphs or charts to track achievements vs. goals.

LSS-17 | Theory Of Constraints:

There is always at least one constraint, and TOC uses a focused process to identify the constraint and restructure the rest of the organization around it.

For more information see the website at: http://www.leansixllc.com/six_sigma.html

Available individually the Lean and Six Sigma modules are also available in a combined package which includes, at no additional cost, Hoshin Planning which is considered the most successful strategic and tactical planning and implementation method.

LeanSix LLC Hoshin Planning training is comprised of 98 slides.

LSS-18 | Hoshin Planning

Hoshin Planning strives to get every employee pulling in the same direction at the same time by aligning the goals of the company. The 7 Steps of Hoshin Planning are:

1: Assess the Current State and develop a Future Vision

2: Develop Breakthrough Strategic Objectives.

3: Define Strategic Objectives and Develop Implementation Tactics.

4: Share Objectives and Tactics with all levels of the Organization.

5: Execute Objective Tactics.

6: Monthly YTD Review.

7: Annual Review.

For more information, see the website at: http://www.leansixllc.com/hoshin-planning.html

Designed for both group training presentations or self-training tutorials the modules are developed for all industries whether producing a manufactured product or providing a service. Lean Six Sigma along with Hoshin Planning can significantly increase efficiencies and productivity while reducing production delays, quality issues and time-to-market.

LeanSix LLC is a Metro Boston area based Business Optimization Consulting firm offering clients Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma and Hoshin Planning training and implementation, ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 QMS certification, FMEA/Risk Assessment development, and CFR 21 Part 820 (cGMP) QSR, and IVDD.

Robert E. Kaufman


LeanSix LLC

4 Cohasset Way

Franklin, MA 02038


Website: http://www.leansixllc.com