Authorities Warn Against Some Arthritis-promoting Foods

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( — August 31, 2018) Orlando, FL — Over decades, more and more scientists have studied how rheumatoid arthritis can be managed well. In addition to using certain pharmaceutical drugs, there are also foods found to be helpful for sufferers.

In the United Kingdom, it has been found that arthritis affects about 10 million young and old people.

This condition is characterized by pain and joint inflammation. There are medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) widely used in managing these symptoms.

However, more and more experts recommend certain natural measures to potentially help reduce pain. One is avoiding nightshade vegetables, which include aubergine, tomatoes, red bell peppers and potatoes.

According to experts, what sufferers eat can affect arthritis. These vegetables are considered to be disease-fighting power houses that boost maximum nutrition.

However, The Arthritis Foundation has also revealed that they contain solanine, which is a chemical that has been known to be a culprit of arthritis pain.

There is still no scientific evidence suggesting nightshades trigger arthritis flares. However, there are many who reported some relief just by avoiding intake of nightshade vegetables, particularly eggplants.

Aside from avoiding certain foods, there are also those highly recommended by experts. Fats like omega-3s have been found to be a strong anti-inflammatory.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, some of the best-studied fats are those high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

There are also nutrients that are particularly helpful in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. One is pantothenic acid or vitamin B5, which is often found in lesser amounts among those with arthritis.

In a clinical trial, it was found that use of pantothenic acid led to reduced pain, morning stiffness, and pain.

Researchers suggest that RA sufferers may partially be deficient in pantothenic acid or vitamin B5.

In one placebo-controlled trial, it was found that intake of 2,000 mg of vitamin B5 every day for two months led to decreased pain, morning stiffness, and disability.

Individuals with this condition are advised to make sure they have adequate amounts of vitamin B5 inside their bodies.

It is worth mentioning that vitamin B5 has many roles to play for health. According to experts, it aids in the breakdown of food for fuel, production of the cellular antioxidant glutathione, and production of neurotransmitters.

To experience its benefits, it is wise to take into account the use of Divine Bounty B Vitamin Complex. This amazing formula is highly potent, and is made carefully in an FDA-inspected facility in the United States

It is loaded, not just with the therapeutic benefits of pantothenic acid, but also other B vitamins.

It contains Choline, Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, and vitamin B6 (

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