Russophobia through Fake News Strategy is More Dangerous than the Cold War

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( — August 27, 2018) — False news, in which everyone tends to believe, adds new stir of lies and embezzlement to the boiling pot of current Russophobia, taking into account the conditions of a similar hysteria of the advanced West that resulted in the bombing of the former Yugoslavia.

Rarely reasonable voices from the West claim that the current wave of Russophobia has the most powerful potential to date and that it is far more dangerous than anti Russian sentiments of the Cold War that have on several occasions brought the world to the brink of nuclear chaos.

In a world where even those who do not speak English are naturally accepting the applicable and present English phrase – “fake” (false news) – it would be logical that all the news is false and that, therefore, they are willing to accept the Orwellian way.

A constantly repeated lie becomes a truth

Psychological violence that is constantly being done against the users of false news, those who know that they are exposed to lies over time, begin to accept them as truths or simply adjust to lies as something that is done on a regular basis so it is acceptable. That critical mind numbness is by far the worst product of the global society we live in.

It is a well-conceived and still persistent and systematically applied strategy by the so-called mass media which no one really cares for anymore.  The production of such news has practically suppressed everything that was once implied by objective information and honest journalistic work.

Fake news have always been present since the birth of mass media and they have been used as weapons since WWI. However, the line is crossed (if there is a such line) in a brutal fake news campaign that preceded the dismantling of Yugoslavia and bombing of Serbia in 1999 when CNN’s Christiane Amanpour received a Pulitzer Award for report what was later confirmed as fake. Amanpour still spreads propaganda and no one cares any more. It became a common thing in today’s journalism and that is the most scary part.

Commenting on the topic of “fake news,” Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington criticized the so-called mainstream media by saying “if you don’t read the newspaper you are not informed, if you do read it, you’re misinformed.” The actor added that in a world where there is too much information the media strives to be the first and not to be truthful, no matter who it hurts. “Anything you practice you’ll get good at — including BS,” said Washington.

Just blame it on Russia

Since the rise of Vladimir Putin and the return of the Russian Federation to a the global political scene there is an intense campaign that has one goal – to blame Russia and Putin for everything wrong in the world. A Dutch airliner was shot over Ukraine, it was the Russians. Trump won the US presidential elections, it was the Russians too. A man and his daughter are poisoned in the UK, yes it was the Russians. Western mainstream media agreed that Putin’s spies are behind Skripal poisoning much before the investigation even started. And when it was proved that Russians had nothing to do with it, “Russians did it” mantra continued in an everlasting loop.

Steven Koen, a retired professor of Russian political studies at New York University and Princeton claims this modern cold war through media is far more dangerous than it was before. When it is known that the previous one has brought the world to the brink of atomic annihilation on several occasions, the professor’s statement seems quite grim, even apocalyptic. The ongoing media war against Russia, a series of allegedly proven (fake by arguments, of course) scandals that were cooked up and served by the Kremlin, all with the escalation of threats to sanctions in Russia, is proof that the professor knows what he is talking about. After all, here are some of his remarks that perfectly illustrate the systemic fostering of Russophobia by Western media.

In one example, during the last Russian elections Putin won with almost eighty percent of voters on his side, and to which the Western media reacted without curling and good words, what is their usual way of dealing with proven enemies of democracy, openly labeling the Russian elections as fraudulent and a farce, i.e. another set up of the dictator Putin. The American media has gone further, calling the Russian voters on the side of Putin hooligans and mobs! The recently deceased US Senator John McCain openly expressed his hatred through mainstream media calling Russia a “gas station that pretends to be the state”

Reputable newspaper “Washington Post” attacked Russia, arguing that in that country crime is a belief in God!? UK’s BBC in its latest report panicked about Russian bombers that approach UK and the UK media outlet praised Royal Airforce that chased the predator away. The truth is that UK did scramble jets to oversee Russian bombers on routine along the Russian airspace line which is more than 1200 miles away from the UK.

It all is a part of the war against Russia that has already begun. Introducing sanctions and various pressure is only the first stage that leads inevitably to full scale war and people need to believe that this war is righteous and that they are on side of good fighting against evil. And that is the job of modern day mainstream media.

In his study of the new Russophobia generated in Western media, Professor Koen also recorded such titles as “Russia is the biggest global problem”, “Treat Russia as a terrorist country because it is it!”, “Russia is a gangster paradise!” , “Russia will never be a normal country!” … For the famous “lighthouse of democracy” CNN, Russia is a shark and Putin is an evil dictator who endangers the US. That is why NATO is piling up forces close to the Russian border.