US Prepared To Blame Syrian Government on Chemical Attack Yet to Come

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(— September 6, 2018) — The United States have pledged to “respond quickly and appropriately” if Syria uses chemical weapons in the province of Idlib, the last rebel insurgency in Syria, Reuters reports.

On Tuesday, the White House announced that it “closely monitors” the fate of Idlib, where, according to him, “millions of innocent civilians are under the threat of an immediate … attack” by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

It is said that President Donald Trump warned that such an attack would be a negligible escalation of a tragic conflict.

“President Bashar al-Assad of Syria must not recklessly attack Idlib Province. The Russians and Iranians would be making a grave humanitarian mistake to take part in this potential human tragedy. Hundreds of thousands of people could be killed. Don’t let that happen!” the US President Tweeted.

The US envoy to UN Nikki Haley has stated that she knows “exactly” who is going to use chemical weapons in Syria’s Idlib. “If there are chemical weapons that are used [in Idlib], we know exactly who is going to use them,” Haley said at the UN assembly.

The prediction sparked sarcastic comments on social networks. The prophecy comes amid warnings that the terrorists are preparing a false flag attack to trigger a US-coalition intervention and all that with the White House blessing.

“Clairvoyant Haley just knows chemical weapons will be used in a battle that has not begun. As false flag attacks go, this one’s been so clumsily telegraphed, it’s laughable,” one post says.

“Wow. Nikki Haley can predict the future. Here she’s blaming the Syrian government and its allies for a chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib that hasn’t even happened yet. This is exactly the kind of dangerous propaganda that paved the way for the Iraq and Libya catastrophes,” another tweet reads.

The White House said it would “continue to work tirelessly with its allies to find a viable diplomatic solution to hostilities in Syria” under the United Nations Security Council Resolution.

Russia and Iran support the Bashar al-Assad regime and Syrian efforts to take over the Idlib.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Idlib was a pocket of terrorism and that the situation there undermined efforts to find a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict.

US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nicky Haley, says the UN Security Council will meet on Friday to discuss the situation.