Lifestyle Believed to be Helpful in Fighting Acne

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( — September 21, 2018) Orlando, FL — Acne is one of the skin conditions that affects many people today. While it is not a life-threatening condition, it has a way of making the life of sufferers difficult. The good news is that there are methods sufferers can resort to in dealing with the skin condition. 

Experts reveal the lifestyle changes believed to be helpful in fighting acne. Acne can be extremely unsightly, and it can even reduce the self-esteem of sufferers. While there are commercially-available medications and lotions for the condition, there are also lifestyle steps sufferers can take to fight acne. One is to use sunscreen. 

Putting sunscreen in the face may sound odd for some people. However, doing it actually may make the skin clearer and break-out free. Sunburn associated with inflammation can cause more dark spots and make acne worse. 

However, it is important to see the list of ingredients on the sunscreen product label and ensure that it has mild ingredients. One of the things that acne sufferers should do is cleanse twice a day.

According to Carolyn Jacob, a Chicago dermatologist, the face has more glands that produce oil. Smog, makeup, dirt, and dust can clog pores, and if left unwashed can result in blackheads and pimples. It is imperative to wash the face thoroughly and gently, once in the morning and once at night. 

Another tip is to exfoliate, because oil glands are susceptible to breakouts. When the skin is dry, it can result in tiny cracks, which can be a breeding ground to bacteria. Clogged pores can also trigger excessive flaking. 

Acne sufferers should exfoliate their skin gently a few times a week. They may use a scrub designed to be used for the face and afterwards apply a moisturizer. 

Cell phones are also a breeding ground of germs since they are exposed to bacteria. Bacteria can spread and even multiply due to the heat produced by the cellphone. Thus, it may help to make sure that cellphones are well-cleaned before use. 

One of the healthiest ways to fight acne is to consume omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are believed to significantly help control the production of leukotriene B4. This molecule can increase sebum production and cause inflammatory acne.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained through eating fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and halibut. It can also be consumed through fish oil supplementation. 

Fish oil is believed to container high levels of omega-3 fats. Individuals who suffer from acne may take fish oil supplements as a part of their daily habit.(

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