The Philanthropy of Howard Fensterman

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( — September 20, 2018) — Howard Fensterman is the managing partner of a New York based law firm, Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Formato, Ferrara, Wolf & Carone, LLP, specializing in healthcare and financial malpractice law. He represents healthcare professionals in various practice areas, such as professional misconduct, and is involved in matrimonial and family law. Fensterman is widely known for filing a lawsuit against the United Arab Emirates for defrauding 36 American investors.

Fensterman devotes a great deal of his time and resources towards philanthropy, and has opened many charities supporting the CCFA, elder care, drug addiction, and medical technology. He has also contributed to the study and awareness of other illnesses.

Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America

In 2011, Howard Fensterman was named Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America’s “Man of the Year” during the foundations chapter’s Annual Spring Event “Laugh Till it Stops Hurting.” Fensterman served on CCFA’s Board of Trustees for twenty years, and helped raise funds for the foundation towards research and awareness of Crohn’s disease and Colitis. Fensterman also joined his son, Jordan Fensterman who is a member of the law firm, in participating in a charity golf event to raise money for CFFA. The Abrams Fensterman firm sponsored a hole at the event, as well as donated money to the foundation. Over 300,000 people on Long Island alone are affected with Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory condition. The CCFA provides services to people affected with the disease through education and outreach, and towards researching a cure.

Chabad of Port Washington Sisterhood

Fensterman sponsored the “Gift of Hope and Life” reception on December 7th, 2015, held by the Chabad of Port Washington Sisterhood which was held to benefit the Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation. The Israel Children’s Cancer Foundation provides support to children in Israel diagnosed with cancer. The foundation’s mission is to improve the level of care provided to the children, raising money to fund treatment and researching cures in six pediatric centers in Israel. Howard Fensterman encourages people to make charitable donations to worthy causes, and deems this foundation one worth giving to. Fensterman also donates his time to raising awareness about the many types of cancer, including cervical, lung, breast and colon cancer. The Howard Fensterman Charities blog provides facts about colon cancer and other diseases in order to provide valuable insight and raise awareness about these illnesses.

Elder Care

Elder care, drug addiction, and medical technology are some of the other areas of interest that Fensterman supports and donates to. Elder care includes promoting healthy lifestyles in nursing homes and facilities and caring for the psychological well-being and health of senior citizens. Related to senior healthcare is the technology used within it. Fensterman’s affiliation with seniors and nursing homes promotes the development of AI technology to change senior healthcare for the better.

Drug Addiction

Fensterman’s charitable contributions also raise awareness of drug addiction, including the challenges in recovery process, the opioid epidemic, and the risks of drug habits. Drug addiction is a large problem in the US, with 2 out of 3 people relapsing during the first six months in the post-rehab period, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse.

The philanthropy of Howard Fensterman reaches far and wide. Fensterman devotes a large amount of time and effort in supporting important causes that work for the betterment of people’s lives and well-being. Fensterman donates to a wide variety of causes, and has chosen two major charitiesCFFA and his local Chabad— to support. Howard Fensterman encourages others to donate to and be involved with various charities and organizations that help improve people’s lives, and thus the state of the world.