To Learn About Common Urinary Diseases in Dogs

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( — October 17, 2018) Orlando, FL — In many households, dogs are considered to be a family member. While they have different bodies, they are also susceptible to conditions that happen to humans. 

According to experts, pet owners should consult a veterinarian if there are changes in the bathroom habits of their dogs. When a disease is diagnosed early, the harm it produces can be reduced. It may even save the life of a dog. 

Kidney infection is one of the most common canine diseases. Its medical term is pyelonephristis, which pertains to an inflamed kidney infection caused by bacteria. 

It is important to understand that when a dog has a weakened immune system, it is more vulnerable to bacterial infections. This can include one that is linked with dental disease.

The common symptoms to watch out for are vomiting, foul breath, bloody urine, weight loss, lethargy, pale gums, change in the amount of urine, and reduced appetite. 

It is also essential to watch out for diabetes, which is a chronic disease that is considered a metabolism disorder. Vomiting happens when diabetes progresses. It also leads to diminished energy, loss of appetite, cataracts, and even kidney failure. 

Other conditions to watch out for are Cushing’s disease, prostate gland disease, and dog incontinence. Canines are also susceptible to urinary tract infections, which is a common infection affecting humans. 

According to researchers, upper urinary tract infections in dogs affect the ureters and kidneys. When it is lower UTIs, it is the bladder and urethra that are impacted. It is imperative to avoid the factors that contribute to the infection. 

This includes bacterial infections, injury, and endocrine diseases. Canines with UTIs often exhibit various symptoms, such as inability to urinate, cloudy or bloody urine, straining when trying to pee, and painful urination. 

It may even lead to obsessive licking of the genital area, increase in the amount and/or frequency of urination, sudden house soiling, back pain and vomiting. 

Cranberry juice is a highly recommended treatment for UTIs, not just in humans, but also in dogs. It has been found helpful in keeping bacteria away from the bladder.

It is worth mentioning that in humans, cranberry is used in preventing UTIs and supporting urinary health. Cranberry contains D-Mannose, which is a type of sugar known to fight the infection.

This naturopathic remedy is normally used against UTIs, particularly in recurring infections. It inhibits the UTI-causing, E.coli bacteria from sticking to the cells lining the urinary tract. 

To help dogs with UTI, it is wise to consider the use of Purest Vantage D-Mannose. This amazing formula is gaining more and more attention due to its high potency and purity.



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