Heart Attack Warning – Why You Should Never Ignore These Symptoms

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(Newswire.net — October 23, 2018) — Heart diseases are hard to diagnose, especially due to the fact that not all of them show clear warning signs of their existence. While many of them can be confused with similar problems and conditions, some others do not surface until they become severe in nature, like chronic chest pain.

Many veteran cardiologists suggest that if a person experiences, even the slightest of symptoms of heart attack, he/she must get scanned immediately. This is especially important in case of individuals who age 60 years and more; have a chronic diabetic condition; high cholesterol levels; or a persisting high blood pressure problem.

Below mentioned are some warning signs of heart attack which must not be ignored at all!

1. Discomfort in Chest Area

Chest discomfort is one of the most common signs of heart attack. If a person has a blocked artery or experiencing a heart attack, he/she will feel pressure, tightness, and pain in the chest area. Studies and surveys show that nearly 80 percent of people who experience heart attack complain of pain in the chest. While some may experience mild episodes of the attack that continues for hours and even days, many others witness a sudden surge of uncontrollable pain and burning sensation in the chest.

The feeling, in both cases, lasts longer than a few minutes, and it can happen at any given time – while a person is traveling, doing some activity, or as simple as resting.

At the same time, it is important to note that if a person witnesses a very brief pain or if it’s a spot that hurts more when it is touched or pushed, maybe it’s not your heart that’s causing the pain. It could be because of gas or other related conditions. However, if the pain and burning sensation persists, it’s best to get tested.

2. Heartburn, Indigestion, Nausea, and Stomach Pain

Apart from chest pain, some people also experience heartburn, indigestion, nausea and pain in the stomach. Studies and surveys showcase that these symptoms are more prevalent amid women than men. At the same time, these symptoms can be misjudged for many related problems, for instance an upset stomach because of overeating, or nauseated because of some on-going medication. However, if the condition persists and worsens with time, consider this as a warning sign of a heart attack.

Seeking the assistance of a general physician or a cardiologist right away can reduce one’s chances of suffering grave damage and even losing their lives.

3. Pain that Spreads to the Arm as Well

Another unusual yet prominent warning sign of heart attack is pain that rapidly spreads to the left side of the body. While in 80 percent of the cases, the pain starts from the chest and moves downwards, in the rest 20 percent cases, people complain of pain in the arm that signified heart attack.

4. Feeling Dizzy or Lightheaded

As a matter of fact, plenty of things can make a person lose his/her balance or feel faint for a moment. Either they haven’t eaten anything for more than 4-5 hours at a stretch, they’ve been fasting, or involved in heavy exercises and so on. But, if a person suddenly feels unstable and also experiences discomfort in their chest along with shortness of breath, it’s a prominent sign of heart attack. Seek the assistance of a physician at the earliest.

5. Throat or Jaw Pain

Throat or jaw pain has no direct relation to the heart. It’s most likely a problem caused by a muscular issue, a sinus problem or a cold that won’t go.

However, if a person witnesses pain or pressure in the center of their chest, which extends to the throat or jaw, it could be a warning sign of a heart attack. Call a physician and inform them about the pain.

6. Feeling Fatigued all the Time

Similar to any other heart-related issue, fatigue serves as a warning sign in case of a heart attack as well. If a person suddenly feels fatigued or winded without doing much physical activity – such as climbing a couple of stairs, carrying groceries from the store to the car, or as simple as walking around the house – it’s time to make an appointment with a physician.

Expected weakness along with extreme exhaustion that lasts for days can be a prominent symptom of heart disease, especially in case of women.

7. Snoring

Although it’s pretty normal to snore a little while you’re sleeping. But, unusually loud snoring which sounds like choking or gasping can be a symptom of sleep apnea. It’s a condition wherein the body stops breathing for brief moments multiple times while a person is snoozing. This puts an extra pressure on the heart to pump additional blood to meet the body’s needs.

In such a case, a physician typically checks the person’s sleeping pattern to see if they have sleep apnea. If they do, they’re recommended to use the CPAP machine to smooth out their breathing, especially when they’re sleeping.

8. Sweating

Unusual sweating is an obvious warning sign of a heart attack. If this occurs along with any of the above mentioned signs, it’s time to seek the assistance of a physician right away.

9. A Cough That Won’t Quit

While a persistent cough could also mean that a person has some kind of lung infection, bronchitis, or even lung cancer. But, if it comes handy with an already existing heart disease, it is a matter of concern.

If a person spits cough that’s white or pink in color, it is considered as an evident sign of heart failure. This typically happens when the heart is unable to fulfil the needs and demands of the body, causing the blood to leak in the lungs and come out of the body in the form of white or pink cough.

10. Swelling in Legs, Feet, and the Ankles

Yet again, swollen legs, feet and ankles are usually not considered as prominent signs of heart attack, but they do indicate that the heart is unable to pump enough blood for the body’s organs to perform its functions in an effective and efficient manner.

When the heart fails to pump enough blood, it starts spilling back in the veins causing bloating. Failure of the heart also makes it difficult for the kidneys to remove extra salt and water from the body, which further causes bloating.