Tinnitus Sufferers May Potentially Benefit from Omega-3 Fats

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(Newswire.net — November 9, 2018) Orlando, FL — Omega-3 fats are some of the most popular natural supplements today. These healthy fats are thought to offer a range of health benefits and are popularly used by individuals who suffer from arthritis and cardiovascular ailments. Individuals with tinnitus may also want to consider using this natural alternative. 

Tinnitus sufferers may potentially benefit from omega-3 fats. Individuals who suffer from tinnitus typically experience a sensation of buzzing, roaring, ringing, chirping, or humming sound without acoustical stimulation or triggers. 

Tinnitus has been associated with inflammation. According to research, chronic tinnitus may be a part of a degenerative process associated with chronic inflammation.

The body deals with tissue damage through inflammation. When certain parts of the body are hurt, it creates inflammation to eliminate debris and start the healing process. However, when it leads to chronic inflammation, it may trigger the development of conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. 

There are many contributing factors of tinnitus such as low thyroid function, vestibular disorder, ear infections, a build-up of inner ear wax, exposure to loud noises, allergies, hypertension, and Meniere’s disease.

Many causes of tinnitus are due to poor circulation and inflammation within the inner ear. When tinnitus is inflammatory-based, it is a warning sign that the body could be severely inflamed. It could also be a sign that disease processes are rapidly developing. 

Over 15 million Americans regularly suffer from tinnitus. The good news is that a majority of inflammatory conditions may be reversed through lifestyle and dietary modifications. 

Individuals who suffer from tinnitus should follow an anti-inflammatory diet, which consists of phytonutrient vegetables and fruits as well as grass-fed animal products. Omega-3 fats are also among the nutrients that tinnitus sufferers may want to include in their diet.  

Omega-3 fats may be obtained from eating fish such as tuna, salmon, halibut, cod, and sardines. Omega-3s are vital for the functioning of the brain and body. However, since they cannot be produced naturally by the body, they should be obtained from food. 

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which are thought to offer a myriad of health benefits. Omega-3 fats are also believed to significantly reduce inflammation as well as enhance circulation in the inner ear and throughout the body.

There are many individuals who prefer to use fish oil supplements. Supplements are thought to contain high levels of omega-3 fats. One of the positive attributes of using fish oil supplements is that they contain little to no heavy metals, toxins, and other environmental pollutants.(amazon.com/omega-3-fish-oil-vitabreeze/dp/B00O8NS20K)


About VitaBreeze

VitaBreeze is a nutraceutical brand that manufactures high-quality natural supplements to help people live a healthy, enjoyable, and longer life. All of the company’s products are manufactured in the United States using the finest-quality ingredients that have been carefully selected, tested, and crafted into the firm’s winning formulas. Visit http://www.VitaBreeze.com to learn more.


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