Marketer Talks About Her Biggest Confidence Problem

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( — November 7, 2018) — Wollongong resident, Janet Wilmot, is a marketing professional. Her work requires confidence, but she experienced difficulty maintaining it until she consulted registered nurse Shelley Stevens. This is her story.

Janet has frown lines. She thinks they’re inherited, because everyone in her family has them, and she began to notice them when she was in her teens. “I really didn’t think it was fair getting wrinkles so young, but my mum said we all had the frown,” she says.

Teenage years are always a time when we lack confidence, and although Janet was as pretty as any young girl should be, she felt uncomfortable about the frown. “I worried that others would see me as cross and unapproachable,” she says.

As Janet grew up her natural confidence and bubbly personality grew too, but she still hated photos of herself, and worried about how others’ opinions might be affected by her frown lines.

“I’m really a happy person, so it’s a bit incongruous having a permanent frown,” she says. “I didn’t let it spoil things for me, though. Most of the time, I didn’t think about it at all, but whenever I was in a situation where making a good impression was a big deal, I’d get self-conscious about it.”

With skin creams making hardly any difference to her frown lines, Janet decided to investigate other options. It was then that she discovered a registered nurse, Shelley Stevens, and her business partner Jacinda McKay.

During her appointment with Stevens, Janet felt completely at ease. “I was expecting to feel embarrassed, but Shelley listened to me. It’s a problem I’ve never liked talking about. People think that if it’s your looks you’re worried about, it’s not important. Shelley really seemed to understand why my frown lines were such a problem for me.”

To her relief, Janet found that she wouldn’t need to consider surgery. “Shelley talked me through my options, starting with skin creams which I’d already tried. She explained what differences I could expect from various interventions, and which treatments could help me.”

Stevens explained the procedures that could work for Janet, but she also ran through several therapy options. “I was willing to opt for surgery, but the thought of it worried me a lot. With Shelley’s help, I was able to choose a non-invasive therapy with no recovery time, and I’m happy with the results.

“I do still have very faint frown lines etched in from long term frowning, but they are now soft and smooth and I have control over the activation of those muscles that causes the frowning. I’m worlds away from the deep creased angry look I always had. I have full confidence that my face is saying what I want it to say now, and it feels good!”

To reach Shelley or Jacinda and their experienced team by calling visit their website to book a consultation online or call +61 2 4200 9468.

Written and syndicated by Baxton Media.