Top 4 SEO Strategies for Your Home Improvement Contractors

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( — November 14, 2018) — Home improvement contractors are constantly looking for new projects for them to remain relevant and successful in their space, which is a very daunting task on its own. So when you need assistance with your SEO, you need someone to point you in the right direction. As we all know, attracting the right customers is no easy feat. In many cases, the easiest way to reach out to a broader audience is to make your company’s website as visible as possible. You need to position yourself at the front of your customers who are already searching for your services online.

One of the easiest ways through which home improvement contractors can make themselves visible is through Search Engine Optimization. This is usually the process of improving the various metrics of your website so that the major search engines show your website organically in its results.

Why Is SEO Crucial for Home Improvement Contractors?

When people search questions on the internet, what they are looking for is a quick, simple answer on your area of specialization and you obviously want to be the first one to respond. You simply optimize your search engine results so that you can get your information in front of your potential customers. The unfortunate bit is that if you are not doing it, your competitors are doing it aggressively. If you are not leveraging SEO in your home improvement niche, someone else is doing so, and they are taking away your business.

For you to have the right grasp on Search Engine Optimization, you should look back at what you did when you also needed a home improvement service. Like many others, you probably took out your phone and searched phrases that described the service you were looking for, such as “affordable home improvement.” After looking through the results, you probably went for the highest ranked, and this is what should happen to your business. Your potential customers are also using the same process so with proper SEO strategies, you are sure that you will attract more business in your home improvement space. Here is a list of the top SEO strategies that home improvement contractors should use to remain at the top of search engine results.

1. Maximize on Social Media

A critical strategy that home improvement contractors should use is taking full advantage of social media. A large number of online customers are on social media, and it makes sense to have a strong presence on the different social media platforms. If you want to earn the title of being an authority in your home improvement niche, it is not sufficient for you to focus on bringing customers to your site. You should also make an effort of going where they are.

With various social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you could easily share some craft-related knowledge in addition to building and maintaining strong customer relations. And for this to be effective for your company, you will need to be quite active on social media platforms. While posting regularly is an important aspect, you also need to be there to respond to any inquiries your customers have. This way, they will end up trusting you and bring more business your way.

2. Optimize Your Website Keywords

Website optimization is a phrase you will often hear in the field of SEO because it is essential in the success of a company’s online marketing efforts. A crucial question you will need to ask yourself when the time to optimize your company website comes is, what keyword phrases and words are my prospective customers searching when looking for the services I offer? You will need to focus on selecting the top keywords for your home improvement contractors and then establish how difficult it will be for you to rank for them.

After figuring out the ideal keywords to target, you will need to optimize every page of your blog or website for a specific keyword. According to Scott Keever SEO for roofing contractors, you can include your selected keywords in the following sections of your webpage: title tags, meta descriptions, body copy, and headers. This helps the major search engines to understand the topics being covered on your web pages and subsequently rank the pages in their search engine results for similar searches.

3. Generate Quality Content

While optimizing your web pages and blogs is a vital aspect of search engine optimization, creating new pages that feature original content is equally important. Content is king and is the leading driver of SEO, and it aids in all your content marketing efforts. When it comes to content, you could start by offering guides on the various home improvement projects, generate content that responds to some of the most common problems in your niche, as well as offer home remodeling ideas to your customers. Once your customers find what they want on your website, they will naturally use your services over your competitors. The content you offer should always be original, and it needs to be posted regularly. While all material is ideal in this case, long-form content is highly recommended because Google is now rewarding blogs and websites that have long articles and guides on their pages.

4. Build Links

The main aim of Google and other search engines is providing its internet users with reliable information about what they are looking for. One of the ways they do this is by determining the credibility of your website by assessing the links directing people to your website. The more the number of links your website has from other reputable sites, the higher your rankings will be on search engine results. Regarding this, link building like how to Generate Roofing Leads presents an integral aspect of your online marketing efforts, even though it is not easy.  The process of building links often involves getting to editors, journalists, and bloggers and convincing them that you have content that will entice their readers.

If your home improvement contractors are not embracing SEO solutions, you will easily fall behind in the race to the top of search engine rankings, and it could hurt your business.