(Newswire.net — December 1, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — There are very few people who would say they like their belly fat, while it may be appreciated on others for the most part, no one enjoys being puggy around the waist. Hanging on the beach or wearing less than usual during the scorching summer months can be a finicky proposition when a tube of belly fat is in town. You’re overdue for a new eating plan, one that doesn’t require starving yourself or eating flavorless cardboard-like foods. If you want to lose weight while enjoying life and food wisely then you’re in luck because the trendy low carb/high protein ketogenic diet which induces ketosis is perfect for you.
Nutritionists use the term “dietary ketosis” to describe the natural changes the body makes in response to less carbs being eaten in favor of protein and stored fat as the main energy source. Insulin production helps to keep ketone levels in check which allows for the body to benefit from fat naturally burning for energy without the risk of over-acidity nor the degeneration of healthy muscle tissue as blood glucose levels are sustained appropriately.
Ketones are a very safe and proficient fat burner which relies on a heavy protein diet with extremly limited portions of carbs so you’re left feeling rather full and content at the end of a meal. For those who really don’t want to adopt such drastic changes to their eating habits but still desire the fat burning effects of ketosis are in luck still because exogenous ketones are now available. The FDA approved HealthyWiser™ KetoFast™ Supplement Powder is an ideal exogenous as it curbs appetite, boosts ketosis, melts fat and maximizes the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from all you eat.
So as insulin levels fall so does glucose level and as such, the body changes strategy for survival on stored fat, and just like that, the fat literally melts away and you’re a few pounds lighter. As fat burns, ketones are produced and excreted via urine, this takes place whether due to a deliberate change in eating habits or intermittent fasting. It’s important to note though that we’re not talking crazy high levels of ketones here as that would lead to ketoacidosis which diabetics must always be wary of.
But let’s speak of that stubborn belly fat we’re about to attack and there are three types of them. First, there are Triglycerides which float throughout the bloodstream, Subcutaneous fat in the flesh that rest just below the surface of your skin, then there is Visceral fat which is the deadliest one as it lives under the muscles of your stomach a.k.a that tube around your waist that’s hiding all your imaginary abs (how rude).
About HealthyWiser LLC
HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium wellness brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about the KetoFast™ Supplement Powder on Amazon.
HealthyWiser LLC
109 E 17TH ST STE 420Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
United States