PEMF Therapy FDA Approved for Migraine Headaches

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( — November 30, 2018) Darien, CT — If you suffer from migraines, you know the pain and misery that go along with an actual headache. You miss time from work, you can be short with your spouse or children. When they get bad enough, you have to lock yourself in a dark room to escape the pain. Then there are the well-meaning people who tell you that the pain is in your head. But, you already knew that. There is hope on the horizon. The FDA approved PEMF therapy to treat migraine headache pain caused with auras. Your first question is probably what exactly is PEMF? PEMF is a form of energy therapy that uses devices that emit pulsating electromagnetic fields, these electromagnetic vibrations are tuned at specific frequencies to treat many different conditions. For our purposes, we will discuss PEMF for migraines.

Let’s face it, migraine headaches are a serious health issue. There are myriad medications purported to relieve headache symptoms. Some are truly lifesavers and others are of dubious benefit. When a new treatment comes into play, a migraineur will probably take notice. This article is not meant to replace medical advice. It is meant to shed light on a different type of headache remedy. Something to consider is that almost all remedies work some or all of the time for many headache sufferers. Since PEMF is FDA approved, there is a modicum of reliability that it has therapeutic benefits for migraineurs.

My advice is that you hit the internet for more information. Be warned some of the PEMF units can be quite expensive costing up to $20000. So you don’t want to run out and buy one. There are many health professionals using PEMF as an added procedure. Since it is FDA approved, some insurances may cover the cost of treatment. At Core Health Darien, we have been seeing dramatic results in patients presenting with migraines. Just because we say it works it does not mean you should stop taking medications that your doctor has prescribed. Research the topic and make an informed decision.

PEMF for a migraine can be a wonderful adjunct. I encourage you to make an informed decision. If it works for you, please let me know so I can share your results with people just like you who need help with their headaches. Sentient Element is the Best PEMF device in today’s market. No device can match the power of Sentient Element. Hoping that your next migraine is your last one.

DarienChiropractor Brian McKay

551 Post Road
Darien, CT 06820
United States