Health Authorities Suggest Foods to Avoid Among Diabetics

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( — December 12, 2018) Orlando, FL — Having diabetes doesn’t only require taking medications to manage the condition. It also involves knowing what to eat and what to avoid.

Worldwide, it is undeniable that this chronic disease called diabetes has already reached epidemic proportions. It doesn’t just affect adults, but also children too.

Health authorities warn against uncontrolled diabetes as it could potentially lead to serious health and life consequences. This includes the risk of kidney problems, heart disease, blindness, and amputations.

Consumption of the wrong foods can cause a significant spike on blood sugar and insulin levels. It also promotes inflammation, which is another risk factor of diabetes.

Individuals with diabetes are strongly advised to avoid excessive consumption of carbs. This is due to the fact that it could cause blood sugar levels to skyrocket to dangerously high levels.

Sugar-sweetened beverages should be avoided by those with diabetes. These drinks tend to be high in fructose, which is strongly associated with insulin resistance and even diabetes.

In some studies, it has been found that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages can increase the likelihood of diabetes-related conditions like fatty liver.

Health care experts further warn against trans fats as they can be extremely unhealthy. Trans fats can be found in peanut butter, margarines, spreads, frozen dinners, and creamers.

Individuals with diabetes who want to improve disease management may take into account the use of L-Carnitine.

According to research, supplementation of carnitine could help maintain normal blood sugar levels. What makes it even more beneficial is that it could fight insulin resistance.

It is worth mentioning that this hormone called insulin aids in transporting sugar to the cells from the bloodstream. When it reaches the cells, it is then utilized as fuel. Excessive levels of insulin can result in insulin resistance and eventually high blood sugar.

A study in Rome was published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

In this research, it has been found that the use of L-Carnitine enhanced insulin sensitivity. It even increased sugar uptake from the bloodstream.

In 2010, scientists carried out a study in Sapienza University’s Department of Clinical Medicine in Rome.

They found combining L-Carnitine with caloric restriction aided in reducing insulin resistance and enhancing sensitivity.

To experience its benefits, it is wise to take into account the use of Divine Bounty L-Carnitine. This amazing formula is highly potent, and could deliver the therapeutic benefits of this amino acid.

This extra-strength formula is even protected with a complete customer satisfaction guarantee.


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