Scientists Now Reveal B Vitamins Are Helpful Against Bone Fracture Risk

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( — December 18, 2018) Orlando, FL — Experts warn against the ugly consequences of not taking care of bone health. Fractures are one of these outcomes, and they often happen due to age. There are also other contributing factors like gender, as women tend to be more susceptible to it. 

According to researchers, the bones of women are generally smaller, even at their best, within the age range of 25 to 30 years. Theirs are also less dense than the bones of men.

It has further been found that women tend to lose more bone density than men, especially as they age.

Research has found that than 25 percent of men beyond the age of 50 will have a fracture in their lifetime.

The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases warns that more than 20 years ago, smoking was tagged as a risk factor for bone loss.

In addition to smoking, excessively consuming alcohol is also considered to be a risk factor.

A research was published by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

In this study, it was revealed that that bone quality can be compromised by chronic heavy drinking during a person’s earlier years.

Further, it has a potential to increase bone loss risk and fractures, even long after drinking has already stopped.

More studies are still underway to validate the risk factors of bone fractures, and how they can be prevented.

Experts strongly recommend resorting to measures that could help increase bone health protection.

One of the ways is to consider what B vitamins can offer. Researchers believe they have the ability to play a protective role in bone health.

In an experimental study, it has been found reduced intake of riboflavin significantly increased the risk of fractures. It has further been revealed that increased consumption of riboflavin can result in more bone mass density in the neck.

To experience the bone-health-protecting, disease-fighting benefits of this nutrient, it is wise to consider the use of Purest Vantage B Vitamin Complex.

It contains Choline, Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, and vitamin B6. 

These B vitamins are widely studied by clinicians and researchers due to the variety of healing potentials they could offer. They have been found to offer increased protection against a range of diseases.

Using Purest Vantage B Vitamin Complex could be helpful in delivering the best healing benefits of these nutrients. This formula is popularized by its high potency, and is even protected with a money back guarantee.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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