The Fundamental Mistakes to Avoid while Naming Your Brand

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( — December 18, 2018) —

Let’s get one thing straight off the bat. The name of your brand or venture affects the perception of potential customers about your firm. Consumers like to connect with a name. Some of the questions they sub-consciously ask themselves are; have I heard the name before? Does it remind me of anything? How does it make me feel? There is a lot of emotional connection between the perfect brand name and the loyal customer.

In this present day and age, the naming of a brand is everything! If you do not invest your time while branding your venture you could very well sound the death bell. The naming of a brand is usually dealt with a lackadaisical attitude often because executives want a release of products and services. However, you would do well to learn from the best. Brands like Google, which is, in reality, a made-up word, a service provider like the Uber or the soft drink giants Pepsi – all have something in common. A lot of thought and brainstorming sessions went into the branding of the organization, and now the names are quite common in every household all around the world.

Want to know more about researching and choosing brand names? It is your chance to educate yourself on the mistakes you need to avoid while choosing a brand name.

Don’t rush through the process

The process of naming a venture is pretty complicated, and a number of thought processes go into it with equal emphasis on strategy and creativity. Considerations about the value of the name, the recall value of the name as a brand and about how the name can grow along with the company, are extremely important. There is usually a professional team that deals specifically with the branding issues of a firm/product. Invest time to find the strongest name that can transcend physical attributes of a product and create its niche. Brainstorming for a name generally includes descriptive, abbreviated and evocative wordplay. A full trademark processing can take anywhere between 12-18 months in the U.S.A. So get started today!


Trying too hard

A key mistake to avoid is trying to be too clever, like the joke you said one time, and no one laughed at it! Avoid choosing a name because it is cute; chances are your brand won’t be taken seriously. Contrastingly, going for something too complicated will result in less audience retention. Test the names for their inherent clarity, so it’s always a great idea to have an opinion poll regarding branding. Asking for first impressions along with the ease of use in everyday conversation are the two pillars you should be looking at before getting down to finalizing a name.

Length of the name

Choosing a long name is a strict no! You might get away with it if you are a hugely popular brand already. Chances are you aren’t! The human mind can remember long phrases, but it gets challenging to associate brands with them. It is the same with a number too. Shorter names offer ease of communication, and when it comes to domain registration, simpler words work like magic.

Emotional quotient

The product name or branding you go with isn’t there to please you but to communicate with your customers. Having a personal bias for a particular name, maybe some family member or a pet is not in good taste. Careful testing of the name is required to determine the success of the venture and the removal of the personal bias.

Global discrepancies

Wouldn’t it be mortifying, when you have selected a particular word for your brand, but it means something else entirely in some foreign language? The brand name can often end up being insulting to a minority community or an ethnic group. If you overlook this cultural discrepancy aspect of a brand name, you might end up having to pay up thousands of dollars for a rebranding. With the rapid advancement in technology, everything local has the potential to reach the global status. Do a status check for the linguistics, idiom evaluation, slangs, and cultural implications to avoid embarrassing double meanings.

Assuming the availability of a name

Additionally, you must never assume that a name is freely available. Research studies show that there are over 28 million active trademarks. To top it off, there are around 200 million registered URLs in the world. There might be about 250,000 words in the English language, but most will not work as a brand name for your product and services. It doesn’t mean that all the original names are taken but sure does make brainstorming for a name a lengthy and time-consuming process.

Don’t limit yourself to descriptive names and look into foreign languages to get a look outside the box.

Branding is highly valuable if done right. Get down to it today and avoid making the mistakes listed above. Success is waiting for you!