Virginia Beach Rising Real Estate Agent Hosts a Webinar of Wealth

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( — January 6, 2019) — NIMMO PARKWAY, Va.- On 18th of December 2018, licensed Virginia Beach realtor Austin Frangoules hosted a webinar to reveal his success story of getting to the top of the real estate world. He talked about where he got started, what people starting out in real state should do and the common pitfalls to avoid.

“It’s not a side hustle,” says Austin right off the bat, “you need to put your full attention into it to make it.” Real estate is much like college. There is complete freedom, but important things need to be learnt independently.

The best approach is to learn from peers. Take what works and run with it. Don’t try reinventing the wheel, as Austin found out very early on.

Austin signed with a small company and so didn’t receive the ideal training given by larger companies. He was only twenty, with zero money, no experience and no network of realtors to help him. He had no idea where to get clients or marketing from.

Austin made his first sale, an $80,000 condo, only after joining a team who taught him first-hand how to actually sell real estate. And as Austin says, “All it takes is that one sale to become successful.”

The very first thing for anyone starting out in real estate is to set out a proper schedule for working hours. Treat it like a real business. Austin stresses that this was instrumental to his tremendous success.

Calling leads is one of the faster ways of picking up business for those just starting out. But, what is really important is how they talk to those leads. Don’t sound like a pushy salesman. Being friendly will help establish a personal connection, which makes it easier to sell them the house.

Don’t just be another cold caller. Be their friend and attack a problem. The potential client’s problem is that they need help buying or selling a house because they are not experts.

That’s where real estate agents come in with their specialized knowledge & experience to be the solution to that problem, and so should pitch themselves as such. Conversion rates increase drastically this way.

Another cost effective form of prospecting available is to use social media. “I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve gotten from Facebook alone. Stay in front of your friends’ faces to embed yourself in their minds. Now if they ever need a real estate agent, they think of you immediately,” says Austin.

The goal is that this will also lead to referrals. This way the agent’s name and reputation travels across the real estate world. People are now pushing out the agent’s business for free and it helps build a pipeline for years to come.

Networking is extremely important. Attend & host events. Hold open houses regularly. There are many open & willing buyers that don’t have a real estate agent but are looking for one. This way agents can get in front of these people.

“You don’t want to be a secret agent,” says Austin, “I tell the whole world that I’m a real estate agent!” That’s why Austin even sold multiple houses to people he met at dog parks!

Reinvest. Real estate agents need to grow their business. Build that strong base to branch out in the future. It pays off big time by getting more leads.

Selling real estate is really a people oriented job. If agents can get in front of people, then they can sell houses. They should not be tied up with handling excessive paper work.

It is beneficial to get a transaction coordinator for this. A transaction coordinator is an independent contractor who works for the agent’s real estate deals, but doesn’t get paid unless the agent gets paid.

This is truly the best investment. This saves time, energy and effort for the agents who can now focus on calling the leads, networking and getting in front of people!

Advertising budget can be an obstacle when starting out. There are a lot of lenders out there that are willing to pay for half the advertising budget.

This way advertising is doubled while paying half of the money. And the transaction coordinator still doesn’t get paid unless the agent closes a deal.

Obtain dialers like Mojo, to maximize time further. A dialer is a software that helps dial the leads from phones faster. Now 100 leads can be dialed in just 40 minutes, boosting conversion rates.

Find the right team. Real estate agents need to work with attorneys, mortgage people, home inspectors, contractors & other agents.

The perfect team of motivated people enhances real estate sales. If clients have a good experience with these people, then in turn it looks good on the agent.

Lastly, the most crucial step is to manage leads. It’s all about following up! CRM is a software used to track & follow up with leads, the best being BoomTown. It takes the follow up game to the next level!

Austin concludes his webinar with a few words of encouragement, “If you always hustle, stay organized, prioritize, actually execute, have passion & never give up, then you always become successful.”

For more information about Austin and his success story – click this link now –.