Scientists Now Suggest B Vitamins May Aid in Heart Health

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( — January 22, 2019) Orlando, FL — Today, it is hard to deny that more and more people are suffering from heart disease and are dying because of it.

According to researchers, heart disease includes many issues and one is atherosclerosis. It triggers blood clot formation, which then increases the risk of stroke or attack.

It is worth mentioning that a heart attack develops when there is blockage in the blood flow to the heart. This blockage leads to blood clots, which then completely impede blood flow.

Some nutrients have been found particularly helpful in fighting heart disease.

In the United States, this condition is considered to be the leading cause of death. It is found to be due to poor diets and sedentariness.

Scientists recommend increased intake of B12 combined with healthy diet and lifestyle to decrease heart disease risk.

Studies found that vitamin B12 works in reducing the risk of blood clots, and this is extremely helpful for heart health. It can be a great addition to one’s diet considering that it can offer a range of health benefits.

Vitamin B12 deficiency inside the body results in the increase in homocysteine levels. Elevated homocysteine is considered to be an independent risk for heart disease.

Health authorities warn that the effects of increased homocysteine levels are not felt or seen, and this means they do not produce symptoms.

These increased levels have been known to wreak havoc on cardiovascular health. One of the ways they do is through their ability to alter the body’s blood clotting factor levels, which promote blood clot formation.

Heightened homocysteine also prevents the dilation of small arteries, and this increases the risk of blockages. They further work together with bad cholesterol to cause damage to the inner lining of the blood vessels.

It is important to remember that this indicates an early development of hardening and narrowing of the arteries.

More studies are still underway to validate the miraculous effects of B vitamins. However, it is always best to nourish the body with these nutrients for preventive health purposes.

Purest Vantage B Vitamin Complex is one formula consumers may take into account using. It is highly potent and pure, and is also protected with a money back guarantee.

It contains Choline, Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, and vitamin B6. 

This amazing formula is carefully crafted to deliver the healing goodness of B vitamins. It is a formula that continues to gain trust and interest from consumers due to the remarkable benefits it offers.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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