How to Keep Bugs Away Outside – Prevent Bug Bites

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( — January 25, 2019) — Lots of people enjoy being in the outdoors when it’s the summertime. As fun as being in your pool or enjoying a backyard barbecue may be during this time, this is also the time of year where bugs are out in full force. So, don’t know how to keep bugs away outside? This article will go over some simple ideas to try to keep these buzzy pests from ruining your time outside.

Keeping Bugs Away when Outside

1. Keep Your Food and Drinks Covered

If something smells good to you, then it probably smells tasty to bugs too. Insects have a heightened sense of smell, so even if you don’t notice any closeby, know that they’ll be there as soon as they hone in on your meal.

2. Citrus Scent From Citronella Candles Repels Mosquitoes

It won’t repel all insects, just mosquitoes – which is fine, since they’re the ones who bite anyways. Some studies have shown that citronella candles cut down mosquito landing by about 42%. You don’t have to get the candle from the store, you can actually just make a DIY version of it if you wanted to. This way, you can make the candle as potent as you’d like.

3. Shower Often

It’s no secret that people sweat more often during the summer. What we don’t realize is that our bodies release a hormone and gives off a scent that attracts mosquitoes. That’s why it’s essential to take some more showers during the shower so you can avoid smelling like a treat to mosquitoes.

4. Keep Chopped Onions in Water at Entry Points

Just like with garlic, mosquitoes find onions extremely unpleasant. So you can just place a bowl of onion water by entrances or make your own DIY spray to repel them.

5. Rub Baby Oil on Your Skin

Apparently baby oil prevents mosquito bites – but only because mosquitoes won’t be able to breathe well when they land on your baby oil covered skin. Perhaps the only issue with this is that baby oil and summer heat really don’t mix well. You may end up producing enough sweat to wipe off the oil, so maybe this should be your backup.

6. Bugs Don’t Like LEDs

Even though insects swarm around lights, studies have shown that insects avoid LED lights, especially warm ones, so maybe replace your outdoor lights with LEDs.

7. Mint, Lime and Cloves Are Natural Repellents

Mint plants repel mosquitoes, but you can make a natural insecticide with a mint based mouthwash. Just pour some into a spray bottle, and spritz it on yourself and it’ll keep mosquitoes away. If you don’t want to spray yourself, you can cut lime in half and stuff each half with cloves. Keep the combo close to you and mosquitoes will flee from you.

8. Grow Some Herbs

Insects generally can’t stand herbs like rosemary, so it helps to grow them for the summer. Plant them in portable containers, so you can move them all over your yard (and add flavor to your BBQ if you want).

9. Get A Fan

Fans will blow up a nice breeze to keep you cool and blow bugs far away, so invest in one.

Bottom Line

The summertime is the time where people get to go outside and play and enjoy the warm weather. This is also the time where bugs are out and about in full force. This article went over different ways you can know how to keep bugs away outside so that you and your family won’t have to worry about getting bitten or being pestered by these critters.