Banida Digital Video Marketing Local Google Expert Services Launched

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( — February 19, 2019) — Banida Digital, an online marketing agency based in Reading, PA, announced an expansion of its services to provide custom video commercials, video SEO, and social media strategy consulting for local businesses both in the US and Canada. The company works with a diverse team of leading marketing experts to ensure high standards of quality and professionalism, its services also including SEO, web design, social media marketing and others.

More information can be found at

Professional marketing services have become increasingly in demand in recent years, as small and medium-sized businesses throughout the world are discovering the benefits of developing a high-visibility online presence. Video in particular can be particularly effective in terms of lead generation, studies suggesting that video content has up to 12 times the engagement potential of text and picture-based social media posts.

Banida Digital announced the availability of a full range of professional video marketing services for business clients in all industries.

The company works closely with each client to identify their online branding needs and develop a sustainable video marketing strategy. Based on each business’ brand profile and marketing goals, the agency creates custom video commercials, service presentations, expert interviews and other types of video content. Services also include video SEO and social media strategy consulting.

Local businesses can also contact Banida Digital for other digital marketing solutions, including web design, SEO, e-mail and social media marketing.

A spokesperson for the company said, “At Banida Digital, we understand how stressful and exciting being a small business owner can be. There are so many different things you have to do in order to maintain and build your business – accounting, marketing, branding, and actually serving your customers! We can help you with nearly everything digital – from your website set-up to your SEO to your email list. That’ll free up your time and energy for actually helping your customers.”

Interested parties can find more information by visiting