Average Size of Swimming Pool in Square Feet- Things to Know

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(Newswire.net — March 21, 2019) — There are different sizes of swimming pools that range from Olympic size to the mini sizes. If you’re looking into building a swimming pool, you should be very specific on the dimensions. The size of the swimming pool you choose will determine how much money you are going to use on the venture. It is also important to consider the size of your backyard. Some people install a very large swimming pool that ends up eating up the entire compound. In more recent times, most homeowners have shifted to mini swimming pools. A mini swimming pool is affordable and easy to install. They are also easy to style and are convenient for those who have small backyards. However, this doesn’t mean that a mini pool is a perfect fit for every home. This article will go over the average size of swimming pool in square feet so that you’re able to have a frame of reference when building your pool.

The Average Size Of Swimming Pool In Square Feet

If you are thinking about creating a swimming pool large enough for a family, you should be aiming towards mini to medium size pools. The average medium size swimming pool is around 600 square feet. This means that any pool measuring between 400 square feet and 800 square feet is perfect for the family. However, if you want to cut costs, settle for a smaller size of about 350 square feet. A 350 square feet swimming pool is perfect for a small family and is also very affordable. Depending on the design, a 350 square feet pool measures around 12-17 feet in width and 24-30 feet in length. You could design it to have any shape of your preference as well. However, such small size pools are not ideal for diving. You should keep the larger part of the pool usable by maintaining a depth of not more than 6 feet.

Medium vs. Mini — What’s the Better Option?

Deciding on whether you will install a medium size or a mini swimming pool is entirely a personal choice. However, there are some factors to help you make the choice. First, determine the size of your backyard and try fitting different dimensions of the swimming pool on your yard. If a 600 square feet swimming pool fits in perfectly and leaves you with enough room for other things, you should go ahead and install a medium size pool. However, if size does not allow, consider scaling down.

The other factor to consider is the cost of the pool. According to Homeadvisor, the average cost of installing a swimming pool anywhere in the US ranges between $30 and $70 per square feet. If we choose to stay on the lower end, a 350 square feet pool will cost you $10,500 for the installation without catering for the deck and other additions. The 600 square feet will cost you double at $18,000 without the deck and other additions. The cost could double up in some places depending on your locality.


There are small differences between the mini and the average size of the swimming pool in square feet. However, the difference matters when you consider the size of your backyard and the average size of swimming pool in square feet. Choose a size that is affordable and one that fits in your backyard to build on your own or with the help of a professional.