New Report Now Reveals the Tricks to Help Prevent Lung Cancer

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( — April 3, 2019) Orlando, FL — While it is true that cancer is still incurable, it can’t be denied that the onset of this life-threatening condition could be potentially prevented.

According to experts, there are steps found to be effective in reducing lung cancer risk. One most popular trick is to quit smoking or avoid tobacco smoke exposure.

Individuals who stop smoking before the onset of cancer may experience repair in their damaged lung tissue. This stays true regardless of what age one might be. Quitting this unhealthy habit has long been found to be extremely effective in reducing the risk, and increasing longevity.

The American Cancer Society can provide some information and help to those who need help in quitting smoking.

It is similarly important to avoid radon, which has long been identified to be an essential cause of lung cancer. Exposure to radon may be decreased by simply having one’s home tested.

Studies have shown there are cancer-causing chemicals many people are exposed to on a daily basis at home or in the workplace. Exposure to these chemicals should be reduced, if it is impossible to avoid them.

Some health experts further recommend following a healthy diet, which means consuming fruits and vegetables regularly.

Evidence suggests that these fruits and vegetables could work wonders in protecting the lungs against diseases, such as cancer.

When it comes to reducing lung cancer risk, some natural remedies like glucosamine have been found useful.

In a study, it has been shown that the high use of glucosamine was linked with a significant reduction of lung cancer risk by 51 percent.

This has been speculated to be due to its remarkable inflammation-fighting properties. Through these agents, glucosamine has been found to decrease the expression of inflammatory genes.

It also inhibits cell proliferation via the inhibition of the transcription factor NFkB.

Glucosamine is undeniably one of the most studied natural ingredients today. Aside from helping to reduce lung cancer risk, it has been found to produce many other health benefits.

There are many who turn to the use of supplements like VitaBreeze Glucosamine, which has long been utilized by athletes and individuals suffering from arthritis.

This extra-strength formula is popularized by its high potency. It is not just potentially helpful for lung cancer risk reduction, but also in joint pain.

It is a potent and pure formula that is free from any nasty ingredients that consumers are trying to avoid. It also comes with a customer satisfaction guarantee (

About VitaBreeze

VitaBreeze is a nutraceutical brand that manufactures high-quality natural supplements to help people live a healthy, enjoyable, and longer life. All of the company’s products are manufactured in the United States using the finest-quality ingredients that have been carefully selected, tested, and crafted into the firm’s winning formulas. Visit to learn more.


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