Building Links the Right Way

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( — March 29, 2019) — Do you find your link building efforts fall short of your expectations? In most cases, people look for new techniques they can incorporate into their existing online marketing campaigns. But to be honest very little has changed when it comes to building links properly. There are still a lot of people, however, who are severely misinformed, thanks to the generic and ubiquitous advice often found in forums which do not work at all. This article aims to help webmasters of all levels in building high-quality backlinks and boosting their rankings, all while avoiding any penalties from the Big G.

Where to Get Backlinks?

1. Private Blog Network (PBN)

Now here is one of the most powerful tools you should have in your arsenal as an SEO. A private blog network is basically a network of sites you own yourself. The key word here is private. There are tons of services out there offering “PBN links.” Yes, it can still be referred to as PBN, but the P changes from private to public. It is best to have your own network of blogs so you have full control over the content and links.

Instead of getting links from “public networks,” choose to build your own with the help of Domain Hunter Gatherer. This expired domains scraper has been around since 2015, and it continues to be the top pick among webmasters when it comes to finding the best-aged domains. Aside from expired domains, this tool also allows you to find aged web 2.0 accounts, even ones with authoritative links from niche-relevant sources.

Domain Hunter Gatherer is gearing up for its latest version, and there are plenty of reasons to feel excited. With a faster and more efficient scraper at your fingertips, you’d always have something to turn to every time you want to add to your network, use an expired domain to build a money site, or find aged domains to buy and sell.

The DHG Pro Package is an all-in-one expired domains hunter as it provides everything you need to set up a high-quality network of niche-relevant domains in a matter of minutes. From finding potential domains from your keyword list to analyzing the metrics using the DomDetailer feature, you wouldn’t have to use any other third-party tool to get all the information you need.

You’ll also get a free e-book about how to build PBNs the smart and sustainable way. This proves extremely helpful, particularly for first-time PBN owners. By learning the secrets to building your network the right way, you can stay under Google’s radar and keep your network running for a long time.

DHG is also set to launch the latest version of its software, which means there’s no better time than today to start using it. Whether you already have a PBN or you’re starting from scratch, let DHG help you through the process of creating a stronger and more efficient network of niche-relevant domains with powerful link profiles.

2. Web 2.0 Sites

Web 2.0 sites have been used by SEOs for many years to create a massive amount of backlinks to their sites. The primary reason for this is that there are a ton of free Web 2.0 sites out there, which means you can diversify your links by creating multiple blogs from different domains. This, however, is also the reason why many wonder how much Google values links coming from these sites. Yes, they aren’t as powerful as contextual backlinks from “real” sites, but these links still work wonders.

Look for Web 2.0 sites and create multiple profiles. If you have the budget to use paid Web 2.0s, then all the better. The less a site is abused, the more you should use it. The key here is to make the sites as real as possible. Do not use the default templates. Fill the sites with valuable content and update them even once a month. Don’t just set them and forget them. It is also important to note that these links pass very little link juice unless you also build links to them. This means you have to treat these Web 2.0 sites the same way you do your money sites: create great content and build links.

3. Guest Blogging

You are probably thinking: Guest blogging is dead; Matt Cutts himself said it! And yes, you are absolutely right. But just because Matt Cutts said it doesn’t mean it’s true. If you are still taking everything Google says as the unshakeable truth, then you are severely limiting your opportunities to gain higher rankings in the search engines. Guest blogging still rocks; you just have to be extra careful when you’re doing it.

Why does guest blogging still work? It’s simple: Because you are getting a backlink from a real and relevant website with real organic traffic. That is no different than some blogger placing a link back to your site on his blog without you knowing it. Where people go wrong is when they exchange links with the site owner. By doing this, you are essentially telling Google that you are blatantly offering guest posts just to create links back to your site. So the key is to find the right people to work with, those who understand how guest blogging really works. For instance, you can guest post on one of his sites, then you can offer him a link from one of your sites in a different niche.