5 Marketing Tactics for Your WooCommerce Store

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(Newswire.net — April 17, 2019) — As veteran online retailers know, there’s more to running an ecommerce store than uploading products and hoping they sell. Getting your store set-up is no small task, but it’s only the first of many steps to ensure your success. You need customers to visit your site so they can make purchases, and the best way to attract their attention is through well-executed marketing campaigns.

Most e-tailers aren’t marketers first and foremost, but there are many avenues to pursue. And once you master one of them, the rest will follow. These are five marketing tactics for your WooCommerce store to draw in prospective customers and inspire them to buy.

Create a Social Media Strategy

Social media has been an effective for strategy for e-tailers looking to drive purchases in a new space. In fact, the various platforms see $30 billion in online sales every year with even more projected growth into the next decade. This is because the online and offline worlds have steadily become more intertwined, and consumers share their lives—including shopping experiences and purchases—to social networks.

From ecommerce-specific tools to low-cost advertising, social media presents a massive opportunity for WooCommerce stores. It’s not only a way for you to reach your customers but also a way for them to reach you for customer service inquiries and, ultimately, relationship building. Simply set up the free accounts, activate the business settings and explore the advertising features to be well on your way to saturating a new market.

Connect with Influencers

Especially when it comes to Millennial’s and Gen Z, influencers are the new celebrities. They have the power to build-up a brand with even one social media post, and integrating them into your marketing strategy yields an average return of around $7.65 for every $1 you spend.

Influencers exist in many niches and have followings that total anywhere from one thousand to several million. The smaller names are usually less costly to work with, and e-tailers should pay attention to how engaged their followers are. A well-chosen influencer campaign can turn into a long-term relationship that will introduce both your WooCommerce store to the influencer’s followers and also the influencer’s brand to your customer base.

Stay in Touch

There are many ways to reach your customers, but one of the oldest and most preferred digital message is through email. Consumers want businesses to use email to contact them, and the top performing online stores take this fact and run with it.

Email marketing is streamlined with services that integrate with your other ecommerce tools like Zapier, Square or WooCommerce CRM. You can use pre-built templates to send and track campaigns and split test the email’s subject lines and content to determine what your subscribers respond to most. You’ll also stay front-of-mind by making appearances in their inbox and offering unique value with your emails.

Entice Shoppers with Promos

Discounts and coupons don’t seem like they would be revenue drivers, but all the latest statistics prove otherwise. Successful e-tailers know that a welcome coupon or a seasonal promotion is oftentimes the key to hooking prospective customers and persuading them to buy. It’s also an effective tactic for recapturing a shopper with an abandoned cart.

Consumers agree that digital coupons promote customer loyalty and generate interest in a business, and they’re the only ones you have to convince. After all, a customer who buys again and again is extremely valuable and can boost your bottom line reliably.

Start a Blog

Blogging is another strategy that may sound completely out of the realm of running an ecommerce business but hear us out: content marketing will establish your brand as an authority in its space, and it will drive organic traffic to your site. Blogs also provide high quality fodder for your social media platforms. As an e-tailer, you have a lot on your plate, so start out by hiring freelancers to create content as your blog gets off the ground.

It’s hard to get anywhere with your business without a marketing strategy, and ecommerce is no different. These are just some of the top tactics for WooCommerce sellers that will grow your business for years to come.