Foods to Eat Before Surgery to Promote Healing

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( — April 18, 2019) — Proper nutrition is crucial for everyday health but even more important when you’re preparing for surgery. You don’t necessarily need a specialized diet, but eating healthy can go a long way in boosting your immune system and speeding up your recovery time. Here are a few foods to eat before surgery to promote healing.

Foods to Eat Before Surgery to Promote Healing

Fruits and Vegetables

Be sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables at most snacks and meals. Vegetables contain loads of essential minerals and vitamins such as Vitamins K, C and magnesium which are great for the skin and also help to repair bones, muscle and cartilage. Most fruits and vegetables are also rich in antioxidants.

Stock Up on Antioxidants

Antioxidants help to enhance your immune system. They work by counteracting the harmful effects of free radicals, which are naturally found in the bloodstream when the body converts food into energy. Free radicals are also released during surgery, which is why antioxidant-rich foods are great before and after surgery. Good sources of antioxidant-rich foods include:

  • Garlic, onions and leeks
  • Grapes, berries and eggplant
  • Mangoes, red peppers and pumpkin
  • Citrus fruits, green tea, apples and onions
  • Yams, carrots, pumpkin, green leafy vegetables and spinach
  • Collard greens, kale, green beans, leafy greens
  • Watermelon, tomatoes, pink grapefruit


Getting enough water is one of the most critical steps when preparing for surgery. Water acts as a detoxifier, converting fat-soluble nutrients to water-soluble nutrients. Since medications are processed through the liver, it’s important to get enough water before and after surgery to clear them from the body.


Protein plays an essential role in the healing process. As such, make sure you’re not protein deficient before surgery to help speed up the recovery. Good sources of protein include yoghurt, fish, turkey, chicken, tuna or eggs. Walnuts, almonds and peanuts are also excellent sources of protein. If you’re a vegetarian, you can incorporate legumes, soy milk and tofu into your pre-op diet.

What to Avoid

Before surgery, steer clear of foods that increase inflammatory response. Foods you’ll want to avoid before going under the knife include refined carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar; trans fats from commercially baked pastries and cakes; saturated fats from organ meats and red meat; and alcohol.

Avoid Blood Thinning Foods

Your surgeon will probably advise you to keep off pain medications a few days before surgery. This is because pain meds contain salicylates that thin the blood and prevent clotting. The last thing you want is to hinder your blood’s ability to clot as it can save your life during surgery. Salicylates can also be found in foods such as pineapples, olives, plums, almonds and apricots so you should avoid or cut down on them before surgical procedures.

Bottom Line

There are plenty of foods to eat before surgery to promote healing, but the simple trick is to follow a healthy, targeted diet. Many plastic surgeons state that eating the right foods is crucial to easing and shortening recovery and getting back to your feet as soon as possible.