Social Media Ridiculed Israel’s PM Idea to Name Golan Heights after Trump

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( — April 24, 2019) — Jerusalem – Social Media ridiculed Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweet that he will name a settlement in the Golan Heights after Donald Trump as a token of gratitude for all that the US president did for Israel and for him personally.

 “In honor of President Trump, who recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan, [Israel] will soon call for a settlement in the Golan Heights in his name. Happy holiday!” a message posted from Netanyahu’s Twitter account said on Tuesday.

The US president Donald Trump meddled directly in the Israel presidential elections by recognizing the Golan Heights as being part of Israel during the elections, the Washington Post reported.

During the Israel presidential elections Netanyahu’s Likud party shared posters of Trump and Netanyahu around Israel and Trump attempted to influence Hebrew Americans who could also vote by electing Netanyahu as Israel’s Prime Minister.

Netanyahu’s tweet announcing he will name a Golan settlement after Trump has been greatly ridiculed by the social media community which mostly suggest a fitting name such as a “Trumpolis” or a city of “war crime”. “Traitorville, Treasonfield or Betrayalburg sound good,” read another comment.

Most radical comments call the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to wake up and take action in the “1969 style.” While recognized in the UN as “sole legitimate representative of Palestinian people,” the PLO was considered by the United States and Israel to be a terrorist organization.

Earlier this month the US president Donald Trump celebrated his recognition of Golan as Israeli territory at the Republican Jewish Coalition convention, and in December 2017 he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The move was greatly criticized around the world, including from NATO allies.

As part of its contribution to Israel the US cut the humanitarian aid to Palestine and stopped funding the humanitarian agency UNRWA established by the UN for the purpose of helping Palestine refugees, Russia Today reports.

“The United States will no longer commit further funding to this irredeemably flawed operation,” Russia Today quoted the State Department. The US, which has been the agency’s biggest donor, would no longer “shoulder the very disproportionate share of the burden of UNRWA’s costs,” it stressed.