Southport Beating PTSD For Veterans Science Based Methods Book Launched

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( — April 25, 2019) —

Mr. Kevin Lloyd-Thomas is releasing a new book called ‘Beat PTSD’ for war veterans or anyone else who suffers from this debilitating condition. The book offers insights from renowned personalities who share their personal experiences.

Mr. Kevin Lloyd-Thomas is launching his new book called ‘Beat PTSD’. The book is targeted at anyone who is a war veteran or exposed to PTSD in any other situation.

For more information visit their website at

For those who survive a war, the physical injuries heal much faster than the emotional and psychological damage. This damage is usually detected only months after the soldier has returned to civilian life. But it has a profound and very disturbing effect on the person and his near and dear ones.

The book takes the reader into a 5 step plan of action and seven pillars to success, formulated using the most recent scientific research into the brain and the mind. The book presents a clear therapy to beat post-traumatic stress-related anxiety and depression. ‘Beat PTSD’ is akin to a toolkit with all the resources and practical teaching in one place.

In his book, Mr. Kevin Lloyd-Thomas has extensive insights from scientists, researchers, doctors, experts, and high achievers. There are life stories of those who lost everything and then took back control of their lives. These stories will inspire readers to believe in the same possibilities for themselves.

‘Mental Health and Wellbeing After Military Service’ is a publication written and produced by the Australian Center for Post Traumatic Mental Health, for the Australian Department of Veterans Affairs. According to this publication, “PTSD is a psychological response to the experience of intense traumatic events, particularly those that threaten life. You may have experienced a threatening event that has caused you to respond with intense fear, helplessness, or horror. For military veterans, the trauma may relate to direct combat duties, being in a dangerous war zone, or taking part in peacekeeping missions under difficult and stressful conditions.”

Civilians can also suffer from PTSD. This occurs as a result of man-made situations such as a violent assault or accident or witnessing the death of someone. It can also be caused by close exposure to natural disasters such as severe earthquakes or storms. For more information about the book or PTSD, visit their website given above or call them on +61-419-460-120.