Fundraiser Free Marketing Webinar Announced

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( — May 14, 2019) — A new fundraising webinar announced by All Things Non-Profit will offer insight into the best online donation tools available to non-profits. The free webinar will highlight specific solicitation options and show how they can be used to spread awareness and increase donations.

All Things Non-Profit has launched a new webinar with a focus on online donation tools for non-profit organizations looking to bring in more contributions. It offers debate, discussion and information on which tools work well, and which ones might be worth walking away from.

More information can be found at:

The webinar will teach non-profits about a variety of online tools, including the new Instagram stories donation sticker, which was unveiled on April 30, 2019.

The goal is to identify the best online tools, discuss the pros and cons of each, and show non-profits how to maximize potential for securing large donations from donors, including millennial donors.

All Things Non-Profit has an extensive history of partnering in service with non-profit organizations, and it is proud of the decades of experience it has in achieving successful campaigns. This means the team knows what works – and what doesn’t – and how to maximize results with clients.

The aim of the company is to provide non-profits with the tools, information and guidance they need to bring in more donations and achieve success in their campaigns. This allows them to target, impact and empower their communities more effectively.

All Things Non-Profit can help charities and social impact for-profit corporations get found by their target audience by assisting with web design and SEO services. The team can also help with all aspects of social media and local marketing, along with effective content writing to make an impact and encourage more donations.

The new webinar is the latest in their mission to help more non-profits stand out and make an impact. It highlights how the right online donation tools can be highly beneficial when managed well, including on popular social media channels.

The new Instagram donation sticker integrates fundraising with Instagram, one of the most powerful and popular social media channels available to non-profits.

These stickers can be hugely beneficial, because they are paired with video or photos that are immediately available to anyone following the non-profit channel. What’s more, followers of the organization can spread word of the fundraiser with their own stories, and fans of theirs can donate through the sticker.

The Instagram donation sticker and other innovative donation tools represent a great way to build awareness while bringing in much-needed funding for non-profit organizations.

Full details of the webinar can be found on the URL above. To learn more about All Things Non-Profit, click here.