Making It in New York City

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( — May 17, 2019) — New York City really is the Big Leagues of life, where something as simple as holding down a job — or getting to your job — can feel a whole lot more stressful and difficult than it does anywhere else. In return for all this madness, of course, New Yorkers enjoy the best of everything: an incredible variety of delicious food, a bunch of world-class restaurants, and one of the most vibrant music scenes on the planet, to name just a few. It’s all worth it — as long as you manage to make it here.

Caring for your mental and physical health as you navigate the tricky and stressful world of New York City is crucial. Here’s what you need to know about life in the Big Apple.

Turn to mental health professionals

New York City has the best of everything, and that includes mental health professionals. It’s wise to be proactive about your mental health no matter where you are, but it’s a particularly good idea in a busy and stressful place like New York City, say the experts at Therapy Group of NYC. Having a professional to talk to can make a world of difference in your mental health, and your mental health care provider can work with you to help you better understand your own thought patterns and to develop strategies that will help you stay positive, productive, and happy.

There are a lot of pressures in New York City. Sky-high rents make financial binds tougher than they would be elsewhere. It’s hard to find a moment alone. Commutes are brutal. So be proactive and fight stress, which is terrible for your health. Take time to care for your mind just as you would for your body.

Fight for a healthy lifestyle

In an urban environment like New York City, it’s all too easy to let your healthy habits slip away. Kitchens are small, commutes are long, and take-out options numerous, so it’s hard to get motivated to cook. Streets are busy and crowded and public transit options are everywhere, so it’s hard to get motivated to walk places or even just jog around for exercise. Gym memberships are pricey. Apartments are small. Smog and pollution abound. All in all, it’s not a recipe for a naturally healthy lifestyle.

That’s why you need to go out of your way to create a healthy life. Try to make a habit of cooking, despite the hurdles. Cooking for yourself will save you money and keep your diet healthier. Find your favorite outdoors spaces in parks and other open areas, and get some sun by running or working out. Take a yoga class, or make room in your budget for that gym membership. Choose to walk somewhere instead of taking the subway.

Little changes in your lifestyle can make a big difference to both your physical and your mental health — they’re more connected than you might think.

Build your network

New York City is full of people, and virtually all of them will be strangers to you. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t build a valuable network of friends, mentors, confidantes, and others who can help you make it here.

Find your niche. Join a recreational sports league or go to the same trivia night week after week. Seek out small-group situations where you can make friends more easily. Building a social network in a place like New York City can be tough, but it’s not impossible.

At work, practice smart networking and build meaningful relationships with people who can offer you insights and other help that will keep your career moving. In the competitive working world of New York City, the people in your corner will make a big difference.

New York City is an incredible place, but it can be a tough place, too. Taking care of yourself and your overall well-being is of vital importance.