Information on Axona for Alzheimer’s Metabolic Dysfunction

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( — June 17, 2019) — Alzheimer’s disease is prevalent and is alarmingly growing rapidly in the number of people with the said illness —given the fact that there is only around one person diagnosed in every four people with the said illness.

Statistically speaking, it is estimated that there are approximately 44 million people across the globe, which is living with Alzheimer’s disease or is with a related form of dementia. With this said, several symptoms might occur during the disease’s progression.

Now, as the disease affects the brain, the individual with Alzheimer’s will start to have a decline in memory, thinking, and reasoning abilities. In this case, the decline is slow but is gradually progressing, which later on affect the rest of the person’s body and overall actions.

The metabolic dysfunction of an individual with Alzheimer’s disease is a symptom that needs to be looked out. However, like any of the disease’s symptoms, there is an available treatment for it, namely Axona.

The Link Between Metabolic Dysfunction and Alzheimer’s

Recent researches about the link of metabolic disorders and Alzheimer’s disease has been conducted since insulin plays a significant role in an individual’s brain.

Primarily, the main concern in this issue is the insulin resistance syndrome, which happens when the tissues become unresponsive to insulin’s effect and are selectively affecting the insulin’s actions towards adipose tissue, endothelium, liver, muscle, and especially the brain.

The insulin resistance is suspected to be the underlying cause of the metabolic syndrome and is the core syndrome that increases an individual’s risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. With this said, there are recent reviews on how insulin affects the brain may it be in a good or negative way.

Insulin receptors are located in the medial temporal cortex and hippocampus, which highly shows that the insulin influences the memory and other likely memory-related mechanisms that include the modulation of synaptic structure and function.

What is Axona?

Axona is a medical food that contains a proper formulation of medium-chain triglycerides (specifically caprylic triglyceride) which is essential for the clinical dietary management of the metabolic processes associated with people that have mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease.

The axona can be purchased with an axona powder packet coupon, which can be bought at local pharmacies. Now, this medication will help provide the necessary glucose the brain needs.

With the imaging studies that have been conducted, it has shown that the decreased utilization of glucose inside the brain of an Alzheimer’s Disease patient appears early before any clinical signs of cognitive disability occur.

How Axona Works

Now, Axona works by providing ketone bodies, which is an alternative energy substitute which can be utilized by the brain to help improve memory and cognition.

The medication axona is designed safely to elevate the ketone’s levels serum to assist the clinical dietary management of the metabolic processes and the nutritional requirements a patient needs that is associated with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease.

How to Administer the Medication?

Axone is the type of medicine that is taken orally. This medical food should only be taken once a day shortly after breakfast.

Now, based on the medical evaluation, patients should take 40 grams (which means one packet of the axona powder contains 20 grams) per day. Then, the contents of each packet should be added with 4 to 8 ounces of water, shake it until thoroughly blended and consume immediately.


This medication should be avoided or not be taken by patients that are allergic to milk or soy.

Precautions on Axona

Like any other medications, warnings, and precautions should be exercised by the patients to avoid further complications.

Here are some of the precautions that an individual taking Axona should know:

•    Axona should be used with caution if the patient has hypersensitivity or is allergic to palm or coconut oil. Additionally, this medication contains milk-derived protein, whey, and lecithin, so avoid this medicine if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

•    This should be used with caution in patients that are at risk for ketoacidosis.

•    Axona should be used with caution in patients with a GI inflammatory condition history, like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), chronic gastritis, diverticular disease, and severe gastroesophageal reflux disease.

•    If an individual has a history of renal dysfunction, physicians should discuss this with the patient if Axona will be used as a medication.

A Reminder

Axona is one of the medications for metabolic dysfunction in an individual that is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. However, there are many things to be considered, such as the compatibility of an individual with the medication (like if the patient is allergic to one of its ingredients).

Lastly, a reminder to always exercise caution and to ask for more information about the medicines that are being prescribed to you so that you would know what to do and avoid possible complications.

Author’s Bio:

Christine Simmons is a freelance creative writer who collaborates with various healthy lifestyle enthusiasts to share her experiences through the written word. She especially loves writing about health and the various ways to become healthy. Christine worked as a content marketing specialist in her former life but recently left to pursue a full-time freelance career.