5 Stages to Winning The Perfect Client

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(Newswire.net — June 24, 2019) — When it comes to winning the perfect client, there are a number of key steps that should be followed. It takes experience to perfect this process, which is why leading agencies such as Alchemis have had unrivalled success with their clients. You’ll find their lead generation services here and what they feel are the five key stages to winning the perfect client.

  • Identify target market

Before you start any process, you need to get a solid handle on who is your target market or customer. The first key step is knowing your product or the clients, in which you can then work out who would require these, and begin to generate leads from here on in. The next step is to then determine your goals and who the current types of customers are. Following acquiring this information you can analyse past interactions with customers to help you build your perfect customer profile with most likely success.

  • Make initial contact

Once you have your target market, you then need to make initial contact with the prospects for the first time. Of course, there are a number of ways you can do this, such as through an email or phone call. With both methods it is key to tailor them to the specific needs of the prospect, so the message stands out. This means not cold calling and reading off a script but getting the background information on each potential client.

  • Relationship growth

Relationship growth is the next step and key to both current and potential clients. The first of these is collaborative discovery, in which you treat them as partners as such and collaborate with them as much as possible. The next is building trust, which is the foundation of building any relationship. Another is communication, in which some clients will like regular communication in comparison to less with others. It is important to attain this information early. It is also always important to look in the long term and focus on the customer lifetime value.

  • Killer pitch

The Killer pitch is another very important factor in any new business activity. This is another step that can be improved with experience but there are a number of steps that should be taken in to account. The first is simply addressing the opportunity or problem at hand and how you can help them with your services. Another is being emotional to a certain extent, so they can tell you care. Reading in a monotone voice off a sheet of paper with the same script is not going to result in long term success. Other factors of a killer pitch are being clear with the information you are giving and not just selling. It is important to deliver the potential value to their organisation.

  • Follow up/Contract signed

The final stage is to follow up the initial contact to hopefully get a contract signed. There are a number of important factors and you could look at such as initially sending follow up information shortly after contact. You should also then restate the points that the prospect initially got excited or had interest in. Finally, also state a point you both agreed with in the initial contact, which will also help to further build the relationship and hopefully make them a long term client.

Alchemis can help with any of your new business development activity, so feel free to get in touch with them today to help you to generate the leads you require.