Ways to Slow Early Hair Loss

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(Newswire.net — July 23, 2019) — Hair loss can be frustrating at the best of times, let alone when it happens prematurely. Whether it’s down to genetics or stress, hair loss affects millions of men in the UK alone. If you have noticed your hairline is not what it used to be, or your hair is getting noticeably thinner, then fear not – here are a number of solutions you can try to slow your hair loss. 


If male pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic alopecia) is the cause of your hair loss, finasteride may prove to be an effective solution. Male pattern baldness is a common form of hair loss that is characterised by a receding frontal hairline and loss of hair on the scalp. 

It affects 50% of men over the age of 50, and about 6.5 million men are thought to be affected by male pattern baldness in the UK alone, meaning there are plenty of people wondering ‘does finasteride work?’. It is believed to be caused by a mixture of genetic and hormonal factors and some men are more susceptible to it than others. It can start as soon as puberty ends, which is why some men might experience it earlier than others. 

Although there is no cure, the British Association of Dermatologists recommend finasteride as a potential treatment for male pattern baldness. This is because finasteride slows hair loss by blocking the production of a molecule called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT alters the hair follicles on the scalp, making them produce hairs that become smaller, shorter, and lighter over time. Eventually, the affected follicles completely shrink and stop making hair altogether. 

Finasteride inhibits the enzyme that transforms testosterone into DHT, reducing the amount of DHT present in the scalp by about 60%. As a result, the rate of hair loss is reduced – and in some cases hair regrowth can occur. 

As with all medications, finasteride does have its side effects. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of these before starting a course of finasteride. It is also advisable to speak to your doctor before taking any hair medication to ensure it is safe for you to take.

Stop tying your hair too tightly 

Hairstyles such as cornrows, braids, and the notorious man bun can cause a kind of hair loss called traction alopecia if they are styled too tightly. 

The pulling force exerted by these hairstyles can cause your hairline to recede, making the hair around that area look thinner as hairs are slowly pulled from their follicles. 

Although traction alopecia is reversible in the short term, continued styling of the hair in this fashion may result in long-term, permanent damage to the hair follicle – resulting in the inability to grow hair at all. 

Since hairstyles can be styled too tightly at any age, traction alopecia presents itself as a potential cause of early hair loss. If you suspect your hair loss is due to traction alopecia, try alternative hairstyles that do not exert as much force on your hair follicles –  or stop tying your hair too tightly altogether.

Reduce your stress levels 

Reducing your levels of stress may help to slow hair loss. Stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle – the cycle through which hair naturally grows and falls out. If you experience a traumatic event, or are subject to prolonged periods of stress, the hair may enter what is known as the “telogen phase” of the hair growth cycle. During this phase, hair is released from the scalp and falls out. This type of hair loss is known as telogen effluvium.

Doing things to decrease your stress levels – such as meditation, yoga, or exercise – may help to slow hair loss caused by stress. Telogen effluvium is not permanent, and symptoms typically last 6 to 9 months before new hair begins to regrow. After this, the excessive shedding stops and hair may return to its normal fullness. 

See a doctor or dermatologist 

If you are unsure about what kind of hair loss you have and which treatment to take, then it is best to consult either a doctor or a dermatologist to find a suitable solution. A dermatologist will be able to accurately determine what kind of hair loss you have, so you can take appropriate action. 

If a course of finasteride is needed, there are several companies out there who have been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to sell finasteride online. One such company is Numan, UK-based men’s wellbeing brand. 

To get a prescription of finasteride through Numan, you have to complete a short online form, which is then assessed by a registered clinician. Once your request has been approved, your medication is delivered straight to your door in a discreet package within 48 hours. 

Again, if you are unsure about what kind of hair loss you have, seek guidance from a dermatologist before getting a prescription of finasteride. Some hair loss medication can conflict with other types of medication, so check with your doctor (or complete an online form through Numan) before starting a course of finasteride to confirm it is safe for you to take.