The Evolution of SEO: Where Will Google Take Us in the Future?

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( — July 30, 2019) — Nowadays every online marketeer or SEO-expert is making lots of money by buying and selling backlinks and promising businesses that they will grab that pole position in search results within no-time. So where’s the problem exactly? Well, the problem is every expert that is not keeping the future in mind. Who is prepared for the future of SEO? like we read from this Dutch explanation about SEO, not that much experts are. All people say is that SEO is unpredictable and it is. But when we take a closer look, we can see a trend in Google making changes to their search engine results. 

Brands are the solution

Neil Patel, one of the most seen SEO experts on, for example Youtube, there are on the internet is telling the world the future is SEO is in branding. By creating a brand in search results he claims that Google will make you rank higher. He comes forward with examples like Wikipedia en The Washington Post; Always on the top positions (if not always number one) and not always doing their part on the SEO tasks. Neil Patel thinks this is because of the brands they created. Wikipedia is well known for giving information and is a subject people talk about online. This is what made Wikipedia a brand and gave them the great positions. The same Neil Patel is claiming to disrupt the SEO industry with his plans for the year 2020. 

The future is in technology

We personally believe that the future of SEO and it’s expertise is completely reliable on how the world of technology, AI and UX will evolve in the couple of months or years still to come. Will we wear special devices with which we can search the web by thinking of a question or is the future in voice search? Is “hé Siri” our future? These new technologies that are still being developed will be the deciding party on what the future of SEO will bring us. Online marketing companies like Webshuttle will have to wait for what the future will bring them and only Google knows what is going to happen to us, SEO expert, in the future. Will it be a great shock to the world of SEO or will it be another minor change?