How to Solve an Ant Problem- Prevent an Ant Infestation

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( — August 19, 2019) — A few ants running inside your house isn’t a cause for concern, but a horde of them building a nest on your kitchen, dining room or backyard is. Knowing how to solve an ant problem can help prevent the ants from causing extensive damage to your home.

How to Solve an Ant Problem

Here’s what you can do if you decide to take care of the ant problem yourself using a few proven methods and DIY solutions to keep them outside.

Identify the Enemy

The very first thing you should do is to grab a magnifying glass and do a close inspection of the ant you’re dealing with. Believe it or not, different ants will require different methods of elimination, and the more you know the more effective your approach will be.There are various reasons that cause ants in your house, and a one-size-fits-all solution does not always work.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is one of the best natural remedies for ant problems. It’s organic, and Food Grade DE is considered safe to use around pets and small children. DE dust is lethal when it comes in contact with insects such as ants, and carpenter ants will have their insides cut apart when they eat them.

To use diatomaceous earth on ants, you must first find the nest. Inject the DE to get the material right inside holes and cracks. Or, you can mix 2 tablespoons of DE into a quart of water and put the solution inside a spray bottle. Spread liberally on the trail of ants you see and whenever you find a nest. 

DIY Ant Bait

Sugar is a well-known ant attractant. When combined with Borax, odorous house ants won’t stand a chance. Mix 3 teaspoons of sugar with a teaspoon of Borax. Look up locations where the ants could be hiding, then place bottle caps filled with the mixture in their path. The ants will get the sugar and bring some of the deadly Borax back to their colony.

If you have children or pets who may get to this mixture, try this instead- mix a half-cup sugar and 3 tablespoons of borax in a cup of warm water. Use cotton balls to soak them up and put them near suspected nests and ant trails. White vinegar is also an excellent ant killer when sprayed on cracks and baseboards. Do this several times a day.

Other DIY pest control solutions include peppermint essential oil, baby powder, cinnamon and Vaseline. Sprinkle or drop them in home entry points and where ants are crawling around.


Sometimes the best method on how to solve an ant problem is to take the necessary precautions and stop them from entering your house. Make ant-prone areas such as the kitchen, dining room and countertops less attractive by cleaning up crumbs of food and spills as soon as possible. Tightly seal sweet items in ziploc or airtight containers. Wipe up drips on jars, cartons and food containers as well.

When you notice signs of an anti infestation, use food-grade diatomaceous earth for carpenter ants and a bit of DIY, e.g., vinegar, Borax and sugar and soapy water to eliminate the trail and keep them from coming back.