How to Host a Pajama Party for Girls

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( — August 27, 2019) — There is no doubt that girls enjoy spending time with their friends. Some believe that girls enjoy friend-time more than boys. If this is the case and you are a parent of a young girl, then you must learn how to host sleepovers, also known as pajama parties. Parents from all walks of life have hosted pajama parties for many decades. And, your parents likely hosted pajama parties for you and your friends. Now, it is your turn to do the same thing for your daughter. Below, you will discover a list of tips to help ensure your daughter’s pajama party is the best.

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Plan A Tour

Your main goal should be making everyone feel comfortable. A great way to do this is with a tour of your home and property. If you decide to go this route, you should consider inviting parents along as well. This way everyone will feel comfortable with the situation. During the tour, be sure to point out important areas of your home. Make sure everyone knows where the bathroom, phone area, library, and guest rooms are located. 


A pajama party can last overnight or for an entire weekend. It depends on the parent’s schedule and their level of courage. One of the first things you will need to do is find some type of entertainment for the attendees. The type of entertainment will be based on the age group. Older girls will prefer music or movies to board games or storytelling. 

Choose entertainment very carefully because it will make or break the entire event. It wouldn’t hurt to ask for suggestions from the other parents. Surely, one or more of these parents have hosted a sleepover before. If the party is scheduled to last for a weekend, you will need to have several types of entertainment activities planned. It never hurts to have something on the back-burner just in case something falls through at the last minute. While the girls are watching movies and listening to music, you can utilize your downtime to play online pokies real money.


It is safe to say that your daughter is friends with all the girls invited to the sleepover. But, there is always a possibility that you have never met some of these girls or their parents. So, the first thing you should do is introduce yourself to everyone as they arrive at your home. Once all of the parents leave, you should introduce yourself again just in case you missed someone the first time.

Be Courteous Of Neighbors

A sleepover is generally a quiet party. But, anything could happen, so you need to be prepared in advance. If you plan on hiring a DJ or band, you need to warn your neighbors of the potential for loud noise. This will help eliminate any visits from law enforcement. It is also a good idea to encourage the girls to keep the noise to a minimum. 

If your neighbors have young girls, you could always invite them to join in on the fun. This will help keep the peace in the neighborhood and still ensure everyone has a great time.

Meal Planning

One of the most difficult tasks of planning a sleepover is preparing a meal plan. The goal is to make sure everyone is served food they enjoy without the risk of coming into contact with foods they are allergic to. The best way to do this is to consult with the parents. Make a list of healthy foods, snacks, and beverages. Also, document any food allergies, so you can refer to it when planning the meals.

If you do decide to order out, you should consider buying food from several different restaurants. You really can’t go wrong with pizza but there could very well be someone in the crowd that does not like that type of food.


There is no doubt that a large group of girls needs supervised. But, the amount of supervision is still questionable. You do not want to be overbearing because it could put a damper on the party. Give the girls some space but frequently check in on them to see if they need anything. One thing is for sure, you do not want to stay in the same room as the girls for a long time. Just visit the room periodically.