DevOps Jobs on the Rise Due to Increased Database Management Needs

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( — September 18, 2019) — Looking for a career in computer tech? DevOps is a growing career field many find rewarding. And the DevOps jobs are not going to be slowing anytime soon. The growth is expected to continue at a steady 8-10 percent from 2019 on. 

Many companies are adopting a more DevOps minded approach as well. In 2017, only 10 percent of companies had fully adopted DevOps In 2018, however, that adoption percentage shot up to 17 percent.

Did you know that 60 percent of hiring managers are desperately searching for top-notch certified DevOps engineers? In fact, DevOps was only second in the entire developers category for positions wanted by companies. Many companies want DevOps talent for open source cloud, big data, app development, and security.

This makes DevOps worth the career consideration if you are looking to switch up your career path, or heading into university. Pairing that with database administrator (DBA) and custom application developer skills will make you even more valuable as a DevOps professional. 

Why? Around 73 percent of companies push database updates several times a month. Some companies even do it multiple times per day. And trained DevOps can make those updates efficient using their skillset and developer tools like Git, Linux, and Docker, which you can learn more on that here. Let’s take a deeper look at database management for DevOps.

Standardization Is Driving DevOps Database Admin Needs

What’s the biggest problem companies are facing when it comes to database admin and management? Human error. This has made it essential for developers and DBAs to collaborate on databases utilizing standardization at the forefront. With processes in place across all teams, problems can be flagged early on, thus eliminating future problems that could be much larger than the initial issue. 

Standardization pretty much mitigates crisis mode for businesses. Companies can consider developing industry standardization as well. This could certainly be beneficial for developer tools related with writing code, reviewing code, and editing code across all DevOps teams working on the same project, or updating legacy projects that fall into a DevOps team’s lap.

Instead of having code written in multiple ways, DevOps and DBAs can create a consistent, standardized way to approach each project. For example, if you outsource your mobile app development to DevOps team A, but they fail on delivery, you can easily reassign the project to DevOps team B without missing a beat when it comes to coding.

The Project Is Never 100% Complete — There’s Always Room For Improvement

When it comes to DevOps and database DevOps, nothing is ever complete. Take a mobile app for instance. It is built, tested, launched, but later comes updates, and a lot of them. DevOps are always looking to improve. This makes continuous management of issues a very important aspect, especially when it comes to the database admin process.

With management comes advancements in technology and the market trends that can be useful in making products better. Facebook is a good example. They saw the video trend coming and developed Facebook Live into their platform in order to meet the demand for sharing videos.

All developers and DBAs need to access and manage data consistently. It only assists them in bettering performance with improvement. Doing so can be very profitable for companies, thus the focus on hiring more DevOps.

Enhancing Security Is A Top Priority In Today’s Digital Age

The focus on data security has become stronger than it has ever been before. Yes, innovative technology is pretty smart. But the people looking to hack into a company database are smarter. No company is safe, not even the biggest brands.

In 2018, Under Armour was hacked, resulting in over 150 million users being put at risk for having their personal information compromised. Then you have the Cambridge Analytics ordeal with Facebook. These security breaches have made data privacy issues pretty important in the eyes of companies. Mainly due to the strict legislation coming down from federal and state governments.

DevOps and DBAs are changing this. They are placing database center management at the forefront. It’s a collaborative effort that will take time, and companies are willing to pay for that time.

Wrapping Up 

The need for DevOps in the database management space is increasing exponentially. The importance of having a developers and DBAs on the team has become quite clear, and the growth in DevOps jobs is the result. Taking the next steps toward your DevOps career can be the path to a new rewarding professional, and personal, life.